The Sunflower, v.71, no.27 (November 29, 1966)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Grounds acquisitions , Newman Center , Steinbauer, Robert A.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.71 no.27. Wichita, Kansas, November 29, 1966. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): January draft call to be sliced due to review -- SGC okays calls for investigation of festivities -- Crestview option to Kansas City realtor / Susan King -- Dedication planned for Newman Center / Kris Burgerhoff -- International Club will sponsor 'Vietnam debate' -- Sigma Alpha Epsilon visits Phi Alpha yesterday, today -- Dr. Allan D. Coult favors use of psychedelic drugs -- WSU Opera workshop begins work Friday -- American painting collection to be displayed in Wichita -- Student-coined slogan planned as part of Johnson's office bid -- Hawiian [sic] reverend to give talk at Canterbury House -- Sydney Bluebaugh to address club -- 2 2nd graders find error in book; Correct publishers -- Phi Alpha fraternity wins blood trophy -- PR to hold drawing for A.K.C. poodle, kitten -- College suicides no. 2 leader in death rates -- Bets receive Ed. benefits to attend Kansas schools -- Gives art display 1964 WSU grad -- Student's work shown at "FU -- A problem in semantics -- The non-voting member: Student government comments / Ron Wylie -- Angry, young writer airs 'serious' views -- Nations freshman class deemed largest, brightest -- Prof addresses Women's League on local govt. -- Professor Steinbauer gives piano recital -- Skydivers, zones to be regulated -- Grad students present one-man art shows -- Republicans start youth campaign -- Psychological tests viewed with humor -- Shocker sportlights / Steve Gresham -- Tulsa Hurricanes beat WSU in Thanksgiving Day Gridiron Battle -- Bowl selections cause big stir at California
Photograph(s): Two students take a break in the Newman Center, which will be formally dedicated in a ceremony Sunday. p. 1 -- John Morton, SGA representative recently moved the spring weekend activities be turned over to the CAC. he has since withdrawn the motion. p. 2 -- Phi Alpha's Roger McClure (l), John Turner (c), and Mike Spencer admire the travelling trophy their fraternity won in the recent blood drive sponsored by Arnold Air Society. p. 2 -- This AKC registered toy French poodle, called John J. will be given away Dec. 19 in a drawing held by the Pershing Rifles. Admiring John J. are Glenice Krusemark (l) and Carolyn Cannon. p. 3
"See Non-Voting Member Page 4"
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.71 no.27
PubMed ID