1977-02-28 University Senate meeting
University Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , University Senate , Shared governance , Meeting agenda , Meeting minutes
University Senate. Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting, February 28, 1977. -- University Senate Meetings, 1976-1977, v.13
Table of Contents
Agenda: Meeting called to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of minutes for the meeting of February 7, 1977 -- Orders of the day -- Unfinished business -- Committee reports -- New business -- Adjournment
Document: Request to a rule change in the Senate constitution to create a new Standing Policy Committee entitled advisory and appeals committee for retirement -- Policy committee -- Policies and procedures for the reduction of unclassified staff for budgetary reasons -- Committee structure -- Restrictions and guidelines on termination for budgetary reasons -- Procedures to be followed when a state of financial exigency has been declared by Kansas Board of Regents -- Appeals procedures
Document: Proposed rule change in Senate constitution in the composition of Tenure Promotion and Academic Freedom Committee
Minutes: Call to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of minutes -- New business: Report on spring enrollment -- Proposal on University advisory and appeals communication for retrenchment -- Motion to accept proposal -- Change in student representation on Tenure Promotion and Academic Freedom Committee -- Motion to accept proposed change -- Move previous question vote
Document: Request to a rule change in the Senate constitution to create a new Standing Policy Committee entitled advisory and appeals committee for retirement -- Policy committee -- Policies and procedures for the reduction of unclassified staff for budgetary reasons -- Committee structure -- Restrictions and guidelines on termination for budgetary reasons -- Procedures to be followed when a state of financial exigency has been declared by Kansas Board of Regents -- Appeals procedures
Document: Proposed rule change in Senate constitution in the composition of Tenure Promotion and Academic Freedom Committee
Minutes: Call to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of minutes -- New business: Report on spring enrollment -- Proposal on University advisory and appeals communication for retrenchment -- Motion to accept proposal -- Change in student representation on Tenure Promotion and Academic Freedom Committee -- Motion to accept proposed change -- Move previous question vote
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University, University Senate Archives