The Sunflower, v.74, no.29 (February 6, 1970)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Sarachek, Alvin , Court of Academic Appeals , Faculty Senate
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.74 no.29. Wichita, Kansas, February 6, 1970. - 12 pages.
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Buy back policy labeled 'disservice’ by senators -- 13 attempt to overturn draft; Take lottery system to court -- Anti-war activists meet on Cleveland campus Feb. 14 -- Academic appeal court protects students against unfair grades / Stephen Sherman -- Nixon gives funds to halt pollution -- War dove senator speaks Monday at Field House -- This is education? -- A second chance -- Ratboy's notebooks / Jay Jones -- Letters to the editor -- Getting paranoid about that huge stone building? -- Theorists taking another look at Machiavelli, says Soward -- Study with yeast worth $22,931 to Dr. Sarachek -- British high court rules surgery cannot change sex -- Pot roast, grass gravy: A pot-full of recipes suitable for the head gourmet -- WSU recital to feature music faculty -- Shocker socialights: Leaders, queens, spouses chosen -- Kansas House calls for marijuana control program -- Wage survey shows drop in job offers -- Patrons awed by guitarist -- Dorm residents defy inter- visitation policy -- New classes offered in computers -- Team discouraged: Skinner analyzes defeats / Dave Linblade -- Sports views / Phil Lepak -- Break losing streak: Shockers beat Bradley 90-70 -- Star player signs letter here -- Sporting round-up
Photograph(s): Free you: A students looks over course descriptions from the Free University informasheet which are distributed at a booth in the lobby of the CAC. p. 2 -- Speaker: Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D., will speak at Henry Levitt Arena Monday night as the third speaker in the Eisenhower Lecture Series. p. 3 -- Dr. J. Kelley Sowards. p. 6 -- Break: Thursday's unusually sunny weather drew Linda Hamilton, university college freshman, to a rendezvous on the courts. p. 8 -- Gambling?: Judy Volavka, left, and Rita Nafziger mastermind their own casino behind closed doors at Grace Wil- Hall. p. 9 -- Dave Skinner, p. 10
"Mark of the beasts! Who and why, page 5"
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.74 no.29
PubMed ID