The Sunflower, v.42, no.17 (January 14, 1937)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Department of Speech Science
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.17, Wichita, Kansas, January 14, 1937. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Alpha Taus, Websters win photo contest -- Icy pavements cause crashes -- Jardine off to nation's capital -- School sends flag to Topeka -- Strikes hold opening of new building -- History class in art annex -- Club becomes national soon -- Speech head goes to St. Louis meet -- R.O.T.C. band division makes three groups -- New enrollment under way, but finals overshadow that -- Winter sports invade campus -- School library adds books by Einstein, Marx -- Student give recital Friday -- McAllister confined to home by illness -- New advisory speech board will aid work -- McDonald says Wichita plants will not freeze -- Library lists recent novels -- Fraternities remain mum on removal -- Davis reviews Mitchell's book -- Students hear Rabbi Richmond -- Orchestra is organized by Prof. Lamont -- Board to elect staff positions -- Sunflower gets rating service -- Alpha Gams elect Hatfield president -- Universities in which cheating is O.K. are lacking in honor -- Graduated student, out of job, should be aided by universities -- Social and economic problems replace our interest in crime -- Chimerical darkness falls on unlighted campus after sundown -- Short pants / Grenville Darling -- Collegiate world -- 'University Manchausens' garble fiction for press / Joseph Petritz -- Speech group elects heads -- Innovation in band concert -- Pledge party fetes activities -- Roundabout -- Blue Key has first dance of new year -- John is entitled to own nose and chin-wife maybe -- Pi Kap pledges have book review and tea -- Stokley-Bruner wedding Feb. 6 -- R.O.T.C. band names date for annual dance -- Quiet service units couple -- Conflicting ball game upsets varsity plans -- Graduates will take wedding vows soon -- Guests to wear gay garb at 'Hobo' dance -- Colophon to elect at breakfast meet -- Department to entertain Mexico team -- Archers plan indoor meet -- Frosh game -- Ft. Hays tops central loop -- Reports show city escaping influenza siege -- Cage quintet gets chance to get even -- Women's sport glances / Phyllis Powell -- Builders down Wichita Cagers in central tilt -- Apple shiners -here is utopia -- Frosh cagers win over Fisher team -- Ace teams vie for cage wins -- Pre-meds bone-but not books
Photograph(s): Snowbound on University hill: As students tried to start cars, keep warm, and transport themselves safely, the candid cameraman followed and above you see the results of his efforts. p. 1 -- [Harry K.] Lamont. p. 1 -- Organization presidents for 1937: Pictured above are the presidents of the sororities and fraternities elected for the coming semester. They are, top row, left to right: Miss Anita Irwin, Pi Kappa Psi; Miss Mary Alice Naramore, Alpha Tau Sigma; Miss Vera Abel, Epsilon Kappa Rho. Center row, left to right: Miss Virginia McCoy, Sorosis; Mark Watson, Pi Alpha Pi; Miss Eleanor Hannah, Delta Omega. Bottom row, left to right: Charles Tinder, Webster; Austin Gafney, Phi Upsilon Sigma; Max Hatfield, Alpha Gamma Gamma. p. 3
Article(s): Alpha Taus, Websters win photo contest -- Icy pavements cause crashes -- Jardine off to nation's capital -- School sends flag to Topeka -- Strikes hold opening of new building -- History class in art annex -- Club becomes national soon -- Speech head goes to St. Louis meet -- R.O.T.C. band division makes three groups -- New enrollment under way, but finals overshadow that -- Winter sports invade campus -- School library adds books by Einstein, Marx -- Student give recital Friday -- McAllister confined to home by illness -- New advisory speech board will aid work -- McDonald says Wichita plants will not freeze -- Library lists recent novels -- Fraternities remain mum on removal -- Davis reviews Mitchell's book -- Students hear Rabbi Richmond -- Orchestra is organized by Prof. Lamont -- Board to elect staff positions -- Sunflower gets rating service -- Alpha Gams elect Hatfield president -- Universities in which cheating is O.K. are lacking in honor -- Graduated student, out of job, should be aided by universities -- Social and economic problems replace our interest in crime -- Chimerical darkness falls on unlighted campus after sundown -- Short pants / Grenville Darling -- Collegiate world -- 'University Manchausens' garble fiction for press / Joseph Petritz -- Speech group elects heads -- Innovation in band concert -- Pledge party fetes activities -- Roundabout -- Blue Key has first dance of new year -- John is entitled to own nose and chin-wife maybe -- Pi Kap pledges have book review and tea -- Stokley-Bruner wedding Feb. 6 -- R.O.T.C. band names date for annual dance -- Quiet service units couple -- Conflicting ball game upsets varsity plans -- Graduates will take wedding vows soon -- Guests to wear gay garb at 'Hobo' dance -- Colophon to elect at breakfast meet -- Department to entertain Mexico team -- Archers plan indoor meet -- Frosh game -- Ft. Hays tops central loop -- Reports show city escaping influenza siege -- Cage quintet gets chance to get even -- Women's sport glances / Phyllis Powell -- Builders down Wichita Cagers in central tilt -- Apple shiners -here is utopia -- Frosh cagers win over Fisher team -- Ace teams vie for cage wins -- Pre-meds bone-but not books
Photograph(s): Snowbound on University hill: As students tried to start cars, keep warm, and transport themselves safely, the candid cameraman followed and above you see the results of his efforts. p. 1 -- [Harry K.] Lamont. p. 1 -- Organization presidents for 1937: Pictured above are the presidents of the sororities and fraternities elected for the coming semester. They are, top row, left to right: Miss Anita Irwin, Pi Kappa Psi; Miss Mary Alice Naramore, Alpha Tau Sigma; Miss Vera Abel, Epsilon Kappa Rho. Center row, left to right: Miss Virginia McCoy, Sorosis; Mark Watson, Pi Alpha Pi; Miss Eleanor Hannah, Delta Omega. Bottom row, left to right: Charles Tinder, Webster; Austin Gafney, Phi Upsilon Sigma; Max Hatfield, Alpha Gamma Gamma. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.17
v.42 no.17