The Sunflower, 1927-1928, no.28, April 13, 1928

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Butler, Emily , Angulo, Joseph , Cunradi, Beatrice , Gracey, Frank , Hinton, Evelyn , Taggart, Gladys M., 1901-2002 , Convocation , McKnight, Eva , National Federation of Students
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.21, no.28, Wichita, Kansas, April 13, 1928. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Election today to select May Day fete principals: High school students will be guests of W.U. at annual May Day festival to be held on campus -- Noted educator to speak to students: Dr. A. E. Winship will address the student body at special convocation Monday -- Rare dramatic art is displayed by Sorosis in presenting plays -- Spanish Department augmented by two: Miss Cunradi and Mr. Angulo are selected as assistants to Dr. Wofsey's department -- W.U. made beneficiary -- F. M. Gracey heads "U" Art Department for coming season: Former Yale man is selected to head University Art Department for next year -- New instructor for Physical Education: Miss Gladys Taggert comes from Aberdeen, S.D. to take position here -- Sorosis will present Little Theater plays -- Program for city service outlined by W.U. president: Three-fold plan adopted whereby University may serve more efficiently as municipal school -- $10,000 bequest left W.U. by Emily Butler: Money will be placed at disposal of Religious Education Department when granted University -- W.U. will preside at annual A.V.I. meet: Invitations issued to high schools to attend big meet scheduled for new track April 28 -- Caps and gowns will be purchased by W.U. -- Wichita U. student wins music honor -- Council to federate with national body -- Shockers to attend Oklahoma relays -- Sketches and skits -- Hekhuis will give address to seniors -- Science Academy to hold meeting here: W.U. science professors to attend meet at which about fifty are expected -- Luck of all sorts. Beware! For this is Friday the Thirteenth -- Departmental ditties / E. F. S. -- Delinquency tack map made by W.U. student: Interesting sociological data revealed in study made of juvenile delinquency in Wichita -- Dr. Foght speaks at teachers' meet -- Sheets from Milady's Etiquette Book of '49 reflect social usage -- Marcia Bradford wins rifle meet: Name of Bradford to be engraved on cup presented by Foreign War veterans -- W.U. debate team returns from Ohio: Local team stands through sixth round of Pi Kappa Delta meet -- "In the springtime" / C. R. -- What is a student? -- Term themes -- Money well spent -- Spring housecleaning -- Can you think for yourself? -- A co-ed's diary -- Delta Omega presides at attractive formal: Tropical atmosphere reflected in dinner dance given at Hotel Broadview Monday -- Pi Kappa Psi -- Basketball dinner honors class squads -- Benefit bridge -- Alpha Tau Sigma -- Sorosis -- Phi Lambda Psi -- Pi Alpha Pi -- Mrs. Lieurance to be honoree at Musicale: Mrs. Rene Gouldner has issued 250 invitations for Spring Musicale at Wichita Country Club -- Alpha Gam party -- Phi Upsilon Sigma -- Phi Upsilon stag - Y.C.W.A. musical program -- Dr. Foght speaks before clubs -- Classes prepare dinner -- President Foght addresses University honor students -- Pretty co-ed calls "Papa, Papa" then stumbles and fall -- It strikes me / K. K. Friedel -- Lindsborg art exhibit reveals many brilliant color studies -- Pianissimo / Mary Bowling -- Wheatshockers win contest with Hornets: Track team shows great possibilities in defeating fast Emporia team on muddy field -- W.A.A. sponsors second campus play here: Friends and Southwestern invited to participate in sports program for women today -- Girls varsity teams announced Tuesday: Teams chosen by Physical Ed Director and Manager made public at dinner -- Four golf meets are definitely scheduled
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.21 no.28
PubMed ID