Proceedings of the 2011 International IEMS Conference, Cocoa Beach, Florida, March 27-30, 2011
International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems
Issue Date
Accounting/Finance , Automation/Intelligent Computing , Computer Engineering , Construction Management , Decision Making in Management and Engineering , Decision Support Systems , Education and Training , Engineering , Future Faculty Issues and Practice , Human Computer Interaction , Human Engineering , Industry and Academia Collaboration , Lean Six Sigma , Management Information Systems , Management & Organizational Behavior , Management of Technology , Marketing , Operations Management , Production Planning and Control , Project Management , Public and Non-Profit Organizations , Quality Management , Simulation and Modeling , Statistical Quality Improvement and Control , Supply Chain Management , Technology Commercialization , Tech-supported Teaching and Learning
Proceedings of the 2011 International IEMS Conference. Ed. Nabeel Yousef. Cocoa Beach, Florida U.S.A. March 27-30, 2011
This book features the proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (IEMS'11) held March 27-30, 2011 in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Proceedings includes 40 papers presented at the conference.
Table of Contents
The Value of Metrics in Corporate Decision Making / Gordon W. Arbogast, Don Covey, Daniel Butler -- Feasibility of Online Laboratory / Noureddine Bekhouche and Edwin Bellman -- Rita's Italian Ice Live Case Study / Jonathan Brown, Laquisha Jones, Ranisha Noble, Rauland Sharp, Q'Vaunda Curry and Dennis Ridley -- Utilization of TechCam for Remote Experts in Civil Aviation Maintenance: A Base Study / Isaac Richardson, Bheem P. Kattel, Tridip Bardhan, and Cynthia Brown-Laveist -- An Exploratory Study of State Government Use of Social Media / S. Ann Becker and Deborah Sater Carstens -- Local Business Live Case Analysis & Simulation: Ujamaa Embroidery and Design / Dennis Ridley, J.S. Sutterfield, Dominique Crawford and Brandon Clark -- Traffice Simulation Integration with Google Maps / Andrew Cordar and Ahmed Abukmail -- Fat Sandwich Live Case Study / Jonathan Crafton, Veronique George, Jodi-Kaye Wade, Q'Vaunda Curry and Dennis Ridley -- Motorola Microcontrollers: LCD Displays / Andrzej J. Gapinski -- University Athletics Website Usability / Nicolas Garcia, Narupon Wild-Putsorn and Ali Hussain -- Integrating the Efficiency of Lean, the Flexibility of Agile, and the Quality of Six Sigma / Joseph P. Garmon, Salvatore Interlicchio and Anthony Cuomo -- Innovation and Standardized Qualifications: Quantitative Analysis to Establish Relationship Between Indicators of Creativity and Formality / Preetinder Singh Gill and Konnie G. Kustron -- Introducing the Agile Project Management to Undergraduate Engineering Students / Ana Goulart, Chris Corti and Matt Hawkes -- Perceptions of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology in Lean Manufacturing: A Survey on Work-in-Progress Management / Abubaker Haddud and John C. Dugger -- Teaching Computer Science Courses in Distance Learning / Xiaoli Huan, Ronald Shehane and Adel Ali -- Design of a Laser Kit for Electronic Learning Technologies / Jeng-Nan Juang and R. Radharamanan -- Absorptive Capacity: A Revised Theoretical Level of Analysis / Jarrett Kotrozo and Randall Harris -- An Expert System for Advising SMEs Regarding Their Concerns for Data Security with Cloud Computing / Robert L. Mullen -- The Effects of Different Stimuli on Procrastination / Robert L. Mullen and Andrew Evans -- Using Cellular Networks to Augment Existing Radionavigation Methods in Aviation / Christopher Munn, William Munn, Kamal Ali -- Using Portable GSM Basestations to Augment Search and Rescue Efforts in the Wake of Catastrophic Cellular Infrastructure Failure / Christopher Munn, William Munn, Kamal Ali -- La Liberte Guidant Les Consommateurs: An Investigation of Gendered Consumption of Innovation / Al Petrosky, Kaylene Williams, Edward Hernandez and Robert Page -- Production Control Architecture for Teaching Laboratory / Alan Thorne, Ken Platts, Raj Srinivasan, Maurizio Tomasella, Duncan McFarlane -- Reliability Analysis on Incandescent Lamps: A Case Study -- R. Radharamanan and Jeng-Nan Juang -- Cravings Truck Live Case Study / Tanay Abrams, Cristina Betts, Rachel Hill, Shannon Kirk, Q'Vaunda Curry and Dennis Ridley -- The Interrelationships between Culture, Leadership Style Employee Commitment and Organizational Outcomes / Everett Roper -- Sustainability in the Commercial Fishing Industry / Ewa A. Rudnicka and Stacy Starry -- Fabrication and Initial Testing of Fatigue Bone Cement Specimens / Lory Anne E. Reyes, Lyle C. Young, John Kirkpatrick, Jonathan Neal and Alexandra Schönning -- Engaging Technology Within an Accounting Academic Research Program / James D. Patrick, III and Tiki L. Suarez-Brown -- Using Taguchi Methods to Analyze Fabric Wear / J. S. Sutterfield, Shannon M. Kirk and James S. Presendieu -- Using QFD to Streamline to Sourcing Process for Packaging / Angela Tidwell Lewis and J. Scott Sutterfield -- Optimization of Turbine Engine Design Parameters with Taguchi Methods / J. S. Sutterfield, Kennneth R. Brown and Joshua C. Hankins -- A Regression Model to Estimate Body Mass / Edem G. Tetteh -- Analyzing the Various Level of Security Threats within the Android Mobile Operating System / Justin Moore, Dia Ali, Jeremy Kackley and Paulus Wahjudi -- Marketing the Six U.S. Generations / Kaylene C. Williams, Robert Page, Al Petrosky and Edward H. Hernandez -- The Orchestrators of History's Largest Ponzi Scheme / James Yao, John Wang and Jeffrey Hsu -- Analyzing Golf Swing Using Accelerometer and Stamp Controller / Zhao Zhang -- Marshall University Cyber-Security Research and Education System (MU CRES) / Ryan Frampton, Joshua King, Jacob Bills, Paulus Wahjudi -- Application of a User Oriented MCDM Framework in a Selection Problem / S. Emre Alptekin, Gülfem Işıklar Alptekin -- Analysis of Product Recall in New Zealand / Indra Gunawan
Published in SOAR: Shocker Open Access Repository by Wichita State University Libraries Technical Services, May 2022.
The IEMS'11 conference committee: Nael Aly (Conference Co-Chair); Ahmad Elshennawy (Conference Co-Chair); Alfred Petrosky (Program Chair); Adel Ali (Program Coordinator); Nabeel Yousef (Publications Editor)
Includes author index.
The IEMS'11 conference committee: Nael Aly (Conference Co-Chair); Ahmad Elshennawy (Conference Co-Chair); Alfred Petrosky (Program Chair); Adel Ali (Program Coordinator); Nabeel Yousef (Publications Editor)
Includes author index.
Association for Industry, Engineering and Management Systems
Book Title
Proceedings of the 2011 IEMS Conference;v.17
PubMed ID
2690-3210 (print)
2690-3229 (online)
2690-3229 (online)