The Sunflower, v.75, no.30 (January 29, 1971)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Our 75th year of editorial freedom, v.75 no.30. Wichita, Kansas, January 29, 1971. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): SGA senators present 'Omnibus Act’ Tuesday -- Approval given for $220,000 resulting from plan crash / Michael Betz -- BSU elects new slate of officers -- Viewpoint: Overlooking the SGA / Mickey Mouse -- Streets listed as boundaries -- Editor discuses 'pro for all seasons' -- Drug service aids problem -- Diggin' in/ G. E. Holmes -- Letters to the editor -- Paper prohibited -- Track season opens against Arkansas and Missouri / Gary Freed -- Game analysis: Shocks defeat Memphis State / David Goodpasture
Photograph(s): The Football ’70 Memorial Fund receives a $615 check Thursday afternoon from the organizers of a basketball marathon which took place in December. H.R. Reidenbaugh, executive vice president of the Board of Trustees, receives the check from Missy Skaff, University College-1, and Craig Christopher, Education-3. p. 1 -- Harry Mumford, University College-1, was elected Wednesday evening as president of the Black Student Union. Mumford stated that he will work to help black students with financial and academic arrangements. The BSU will move for stronger ties with the black community in Wichita. p. 2 -- William Kong speaks to University Journalism Department Wednesday morning. p. 2 -- Parking lot no.19, located on 21st Street east of the Corbin Education Center, is the most under-used parking lot on campus. It has parking spaces for 650 cars and rarely has over 60 cars in the area at one time. It is closer to most buildings that some parking lots on campus. p. 3 -- Benton scores-Wichita State’s Terry Benton lays In two points as teammates Jim Givens and Ron Soft look on. Memphis State players are Don Holcomb (15) and James Douglas (44). / Photo by Gerry Bums. p. 8
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.75 no.30
PubMed ID