The Sunflower, 1926-1927, no.36, June 6, 1927

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , University of Wichita -- Alumni Association , Fairmount College , Gifts of classes , Parnassus -- Financing , University of Wichita -- First graduation , Mill levy
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.21, no.36. Wichita, Kansas, June 6, 27, 1927. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Regular summer school session to open Wednesday: Dean Frank A. Neff heads Wichita University summer term which closes Auugst [sic] 30 -- Distribute Parnassus on Tuesday morning -- Welcome alumni -- $185 sum pledged for turkey drive: Less than one-fourth of students contribute funds for Fairmount project -- A bronze plate is senior class gift: Metal tablet to be placed over door of Morrison Library -- Full program for Graduation Week closes tomorrow -- Senior farewell -- Senior class play to be presented tonight -- Catalogue shows larger faculty and curriculum -- Many H.S. seniors coming to W.U. -- "As You Like It" is well-presented Sat.: DeVone Quinn and Frances Roberts handle leads in Shakespearean comedy -- Miss Neva Stinson in organ recital -- One mill tax levy to remain the same -- Students and faculty disagree on the merits of exams -- Former Fairmounter graduation program publishes pamphlet: Joe S. Wade writes interesting essay on "Some Inserts of Thoreau's Writings" -- Dr. Finlayson gives address at Tulsa: He also addressed the Alumni Association and members of the Presbyterian Church -- Phi Lambda Psi is host at formal -- Pi Kappa Psi -- Alpha Gamma Gamma -- Ed Titt -- Fair maidens turn out to be no champions at gathering mint -- Home Economics Dept. entertains seniors -- Seniors enjoy picnic at Timmermeyer's -- Mildred Clark -- ALumni banquet at Crestview Tuesday -- Womens' Societies to have annual reunions: Delta, Omega, Sorosis and Pi Kappa Psi to preside at luncheon -- First year successes -- The Sunflower -- Parnassus plans -- The collegiate bookworm -- Much progress made in school's first year -- Roy Chipps -- Louvae Crum -- Unguarded moments -- Orations are featured at closing chapel -- Hire Gallagher as new coach at W.U.: Former W.H.S. mentor heads track and aids football and basketball -- W.A.A. election is postponed until fall: Mallonee, Paddock, and Whitney fulfill point requirements for "W" -- Fourteen men to Camp Leavenworth -- Virginia Kniseley -- Bill Hysom -- Lindbergh typifies American youth -- Les De Witt still city net champion -- Wichita boys serve as life guards -- Many evolutionary changes have taken place in Fairmount -- Dr. Finlayson gives baccalaureate sermon -- Honored ones bestow blessings on innocent youths who come next -- Frances Hill writes splendid term theme -- "Neosho" is published by Fairmount girl: Former Fairmount graduate writes interesting book on Kansas life -- Comedy cast does light fantastic in practice for play -- Margaret Jane Judkins -- W.U. delegates to Estes to number 15 -- Former Fairmounter writes poetry
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.21 no.36
PubMed ID