2007-05-07 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of May 7, 2007. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2006-2007, v.20
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Faculty Senate Standing Committee Annual Reports: 1. Faculty Support ** / Jeff Quirin -- 2. Executive -- 3. Planning and Budget -- (Old business): A. Executive Committee Proposal to revise the Faculty Senate Constitution, Article 1, Section 1 (a) and revisions to the Faculty Senate Election Rules (final reading -- vote to be taken) -- B. Proposed Policy on Compensation in Excess of Full-Time Salary / VPAAR Gary Miller (final reading - vote to be taken) -- (New business): A. Student/Faculty Evaluation procedures / Charles Burdsal
Attachments: Report: Faculty Support Committee AY 2006-2007 -- Executive Committee: Report to the Faculty Senate -- Planning and Budget Committee – Report to the Faculty Senate -- Faculty Senate Constitution -- 3.25 / Compensation in Excess of Full-Time Salary
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Referred discussion about Student/Faculty Evaluation Procedures to the Faculty Affairs Committee -- 2. Accepted the annual reports from the following Faculty Senate Standing Committees: a. Faculty Support; b. Executive; c. Planning and Budget -- 3. Accepted the revisions to the Faculty Senate Constitution, Article I a. and to the Election Rules -- 4. Accepted the Proposed Policy regarding Compensation in Excess of Full-time Salary -- (Informal statements and proposals): a. Expressed concern of the Administration’s plan to delay hiring a new Coordinator for the program / Senator Celestin -- b. Questions regarding the policy of setting back thermostats in academic building at night / Senator Owens and other Senators -- (President's report): a. President Roussel asked that the Senate re-arrange the Order of Business -- b. The issues of General Education and Library Funding will be discussed at a later Senate meeting -- (New business): a. Student/Faculty Evaluation Procedures / Dr. Charles Burdsal -- (Committee reports): a. Faculty Support report / Jeff Quirin -- b. Executive Committee -- c. Planning and Budget Committee -- (Old business): a. Executive Committee proposal to revise the Faculty Senate Constitution, Article 1, Section 1 (a) and revisions to the Faculty Senate Election Rules -- b. Proposed Policy regarding Compensation in Excess of Full-time Salary, 2nd reading
Attachments: Report: Faculty Support Committee AY 2006-2007 -- Executive Committee: Report to the Faculty Senate -- Planning and Budget Committee – Report to the Faculty Senate -- Faculty Senate Constitution -- 3.25 / Compensation in Excess of Full-Time Salary
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Referred discussion about Student/Faculty Evaluation Procedures to the Faculty Affairs Committee -- 2. Accepted the annual reports from the following Faculty Senate Standing Committees: a. Faculty Support; b. Executive; c. Planning and Budget -- 3. Accepted the revisions to the Faculty Senate Constitution, Article I a. and to the Election Rules -- 4. Accepted the Proposed Policy regarding Compensation in Excess of Full-time Salary -- (Informal statements and proposals): a. Expressed concern of the Administration’s plan to delay hiring a new Coordinator for the program / Senator Celestin -- b. Questions regarding the policy of setting back thermostats in academic building at night / Senator Owens and other Senators -- (President's report): a. President Roussel asked that the Senate re-arrange the Order of Business -- b. The issues of General Education and Library Funding will be discussed at a later Senate meeting -- (New business): a. Student/Faculty Evaluation Procedures / Dr. Charles Burdsal -- (Committee reports): a. Faculty Support report / Jeff Quirin -- b. Executive Committee -- c. Planning and Budget Committee -- (Old business): a. Executive Committee proposal to revise the Faculty Senate Constitution, Article 1, Section 1 (a) and revisions to the Faculty Senate Election Rules -- b. Proposed Policy regarding Compensation in Excess of Full-time Salary, 2nd reading
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives