The Sunflower, v.41, no.24 (March 5, 1936)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Auditorium , Student Union
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.41, no.24, Wichita, Kansas, March 5, 1936. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): K.U. Players to go to Lawrence to give play -- Presentation of 'Olympia' is successful -- Leap year is dance theme -- Live on love and wear a smile, both are free -- Jewett writes surveyarticle -- University gets good publicity in digest -- Special is now different bus -- French Club has Lent program -- Next week new type for the Sunflower -- Take incompletes notice -- Loyalty oath bill rouses student ire -- Fine arts group gives recitals -- Funeral for Sam Willis is to be today -- Administrative offices are closed this afternoon -- Time for the profs to pay -- Girls shoot in big rifle meet -- Snake collector to work for buck -- Hobby horse ship comes in -- Male chorus is announced by Duerksen -- Varsity is set for Friday eve -- The safety driving pledge -- Hitchner is running for fellowship -- Writers club to start soon sponsor says -- Accusation of being a 'woman driver' is losing connotation -- North, South again disagree but positions are reversed -- 'Eei Doo-chay' could take a lesson from Julius Caesar -- Short pants / Loy Wood -- Collegiate world -- New film is shown March 11 -- Orchesis will give recital -- Beito to talk at state meet -- Pi Kaps honor dates at Leap Year informal -- Delta Omega alumnae to honor new actives -- University society: Beta Nu entertains teachers at meeting; Phi Sig Mother's Club to have book review; Alpha Tau to have Mardi Gras dance; Matrix pledges to sponsor rummage sale on March 7; Y.W. to talk of Estes camp -- Selecton of conference stars made -- Women's basketball conference -- Wichita loses thrilling game to Haymakers -- Builders in league lead once again -- Womens sport glances / Ruth Bryant -- East High wins city Cage title -- Shockers out of C.I.C. race; Tigers in lead -- Shockers seek revenge for past defeats
Photograph(s): Warmer weather aids in building work: At the top is a photo showing the floor form for the auditorium which will be a part of the new structure. The picture is taken from the stage at northwest corner of the future auditorium and shows the form of the orchestra pit in the foreground. In the middle is a general photo taken yesterday which shows the workers brining the $120,000 building nearer completion. p. 1 -- [Dell] Hitchner. p. 1 -- [Loy] Wood. p. 2 -- Party Chairman: Although unable to dance herself because of a minor operation on one of her feet, Miss Betty Copeland is in charge of arrangements for the Alpha Tau Sigma Mardi Gras party to be given in Henrion Gymnasium Saturday night. p. 2 -- While the boss is away: What goes on during a council of Deans? Seen here accepting a delivery of refreshing drinks from Ronald (Mixer) Van Welden, are (left to right) Mrs. Marcella Lyman Harness, Miss Lois Stebbins (seated), Miss Mary Carlock, Miss Pauline Drew, and Miss Mary Ellen Babb. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.41 no.24
PubMed ID