The Sunflower, v.56, no.29 (May 10, 1951)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Rydjord, John , Neve, Norvall , Blake, Leslie M. , Byers, Ronald , Mohr, Phillip j.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.29, Wichita, Kansas, May 10, 1951 - 8 pages
Table of Contents
Images in this collection were made from commercially produced and digitized microfilm, may be of poor quality, and will be gradually replaced by copies digitized by Special Collections from original paper copies. Source material held by University Librar
Article(s): U of W holiday tomorrow: Hippodrome skits head activities; May dance to climax festivities -- Dahler awarded student medal -- 2 open houses will be held at University -- University bands to present concert at Library Tuesday -- Danford and Friedersdorf will vie for president of Student Council -- Big day Friday; no class here -- Political party is reorganized -- Grant $1 million to run school during 1951-52 -- Rydjord heads graduate school -- BWOC banquet is Wednesday -- Sorosis, Kappa Rho will hold spring formal dances -- Club corner: Chips society to be honored at breakfast -- Round about the campus / Dorothy Ludiker -- Six campus couples make plans for exchange of vows in spring nuptials -- Physical examinations may still be taken -- ATS, Webster winners again -- Students to audition for local scholarship -- Six Sunday teas will honor mothers of college students -- Where do we go from here -- Campbell, college comedian competently coins chuckles / Bob Barber -- Clipped by a Barber / Bob Barber -- Staff positions open to students -- Institute of Logopedics acquire, open new facilities for aiding handicapped / Victoria Stafford -- ROTC names 10 as 'distinguished' -- Regents grant Blake, Mohr, Taylor, Byers leaves -- Students direct, solo at concert Monday -- Music projects to be exhibited -- YWCA to sponsor picnic next Tuesday -- Men discuss draft tests -- Neve, Carlson appointed to athletic posts: promoted from assistant coaches ranks -- Regents vote in new lights -- Five teams enter intramural track -- Tennis players finish 3 rounds -- Shocker teams to MVC meet -- Sports roundup / Clifford Kraus -- Phi Sig leads softball league -- Golf tourney entries due before May 14 -- Inquire about senior grads
Photograph(s): John Dahler. p. 1 -- Candidates for Student Council: John Friedersdorf (left) and Bart Danford (right). p. 1 -- Dr. John Rydjord. p. 1 -- Jack Campbell. p. 2 -- Robert Achilles, pictured giving individual instruction to one of the students at the Institute of Logopedics. p. 4 -- Called to service: Leslie Blake, Roland Byers, Dr. Ross Taylor, Phillip Mohr. p. 5 -- Norvall Neve (left) and Bob Carlson. p. 6
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.29
PubMed ID