Integrating mathematics and science to explain socioscientific issues in educational comics for elementary school students
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Integrating socioscientific issues (SSI) into education is gaining widespread adoption in classrooms due to its positive impact on student's critical thinking, environmental awareness, holistic knowledge and/or the idea of combining science and mathematics. This paper explores the idea of using comics as appropriate media for elementary school students to engage with SSI content. Because of the difficulties in integrating SSI into classrooms, SSI-based learning is more commonly applied in high school and higher education settings, with limited implementation in earlier education. To answer this gap, we developed comics that have SSI content for elementary schools. Comics are chosen as reliable tools for visualising and simplifying complex concepts and making SSI content more accessible and engaging. This paper describes our comics on earthquake-related issues in Indonesia and the principles that guided its design. SSI inherently involves multiple perspectives, so the integration brings together science, and mathematics within the one comic. In integrating different disciplines of comic content, we utilised the rule-of-five framework, widely employed to merge five representational models (experiential, verbal, numerical, visual, and symbolic) commonly used in developing content combining two or more different academic disciplines.
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