The Sunflower, 1926-1927, no.31, April 29, 1927
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Rydjord, John , Coronado , Griffith, Joseph , Hinton, Evelyn , Pfiffner, John , Sepmeier, K. A.
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.21, no.31. Wichita, Kansas, April 29, 1927. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Board of Regents elect five new faculty members: Positions filled in Classical Language, B.A., History, and Physical Education -- Many events to be included in program: Arrangements for Commencement Week are being formulated by senior committees in charge -- Delegates receive conference reports -- Last four plays to be given Saturday: Second group includes "The Finger of God", "A Sunny Morning", "The Hour Glass", and "Neigbors" -- The role of woman -- Local orator wins State Peace Oratorical meet -- Dr. Hekhuis attends national Chicago meet: Local registrar attends meet of National Religious Association in Chicago -- Invitation issued to Shakespeare Society: Chamber of Commerce tenders invitation for play presentation next year -- Dr. Rydjord gives prints to museum -- Howard Lipp receives Oregon fellowship -- Sketches and skits -- Former Sorosis girl attains distinction -- University to give fine music program: Glee clubs, assisted by soloist, will present splendid Music Week program -- Miss Boli's students give excellent plays: Members of dramatization class do excellent work in four one-act plays -- Music scholarships awarded next week -- Omega Upsilon to be hostesses at tea: Dutch program is to be feature at party honoring mothers -- Webster -- Sorosis -- Food and textile class to entertain -- Psi Tau Delta -- Senior tea -- Pi Alpha Pi -- Dean Baldwin to address Ad. class -- Alpha Gams were hosts at formal: Silver and vases upon which Greek letters were engraved were favors -- Catalogues to be off press next week: Dean Neff heads committee for publication of school catalogue -- Our first birthday -- The honor groups -- The collegiate bookworm -- Mood / M. E. B. -- Many casualties result in library as women edit this weeks [sic] paper -- State conference of A.A.U.W. April 22 -- Art of acting will present play May 21: Three act comedy to be given by members of Miss Boli's advanced class -- Dr. Finlayson takes trip through North -- College life - One minute's worth -- Mrs. A. H. Reinhardt speaker for girls: Dr. Reinhardt discussed "The Student World of Today" Thursday -- Tennis team wins decisive net game: Wichita University tennis team has decisive win over St. John's squad -- Grant and Gaillard receive assignments -- Football awards given in chapel: Member of Board of Regents presents sweaters with letters and numerals -- Tarahumara girls break world's record -- W.U. to send teams to state athletic meet -- Final plans are made for Ark. Valley meet: George Reida, manager, expects records to be broken -- W.U. to Newton on Saturday, May 7th -- Col. Dockery inspects local R.O.T.C. units --Sophomores win inter-class archery contest -- Quadrangular meet to be on Saturday: W. University's first track appearance at the high school -- El Circulo Espanal has picnic Thursday: Day commemorated by all Spanish speaking countries -- Departmental ditties -- Lucile Hall with Summerlys this week -- Madam X replies -- Curt college comments -- Mr. Brooks outlines outside activities -- Holyoke hilarities
Article(s): Board of Regents elect five new faculty members: Positions filled in Classical Language, B.A., History, and Physical Education -- Many events to be included in program: Arrangements for Commencement Week are being formulated by senior committees in charge -- Delegates receive conference reports -- Last four plays to be given Saturday: Second group includes "The Finger of God", "A Sunny Morning", "The Hour Glass", and "Neigbors" -- The role of woman -- Local orator wins State Peace Oratorical meet -- Dr. Hekhuis attends national Chicago meet: Local registrar attends meet of National Religious Association in Chicago -- Invitation issued to Shakespeare Society: Chamber of Commerce tenders invitation for play presentation next year -- Dr. Rydjord gives prints to museum -- Howard Lipp receives Oregon fellowship -- Sketches and skits -- Former Sorosis girl attains distinction -- University to give fine music program: Glee clubs, assisted by soloist, will present splendid Music Week program -- Miss Boli's students give excellent plays: Members of dramatization class do excellent work in four one-act plays -- Music scholarships awarded next week -- Omega Upsilon to be hostesses at tea: Dutch program is to be feature at party honoring mothers -- Webster -- Sorosis -- Food and textile class to entertain -- Psi Tau Delta -- Senior tea -- Pi Alpha Pi -- Dean Baldwin to address Ad. class -- Alpha Gams were hosts at formal: Silver and vases upon which Greek letters were engraved were favors -- Catalogues to be off press next week: Dean Neff heads committee for publication of school catalogue -- Our first birthday -- The honor groups -- The collegiate bookworm -- Mood / M. E. B. -- Many casualties result in library as women edit this weeks [sic] paper -- State conference of A.A.U.W. April 22 -- Art of acting will present play May 21: Three act comedy to be given by members of Miss Boli's advanced class -- Dr. Finlayson takes trip through North -- College life - One minute's worth -- Mrs. A. H. Reinhardt speaker for girls: Dr. Reinhardt discussed "The Student World of Today" Thursday -- Tennis team wins decisive net game: Wichita University tennis team has decisive win over St. John's squad -- Grant and Gaillard receive assignments -- Football awards given in chapel: Member of Board of Regents presents sweaters with letters and numerals -- Tarahumara girls break world's record -- W.U. to send teams to state athletic meet -- Final plans are made for Ark. Valley meet: George Reida, manager, expects records to be broken -- W.U. to Newton on Saturday, May 7th -- Col. Dockery inspects local R.O.T.C. units --Sophomores win inter-class archery contest -- Quadrangular meet to be on Saturday: W. University's first track appearance at the high school -- El Circulo Espanal has picnic Thursday: Day commemorated by all Spanish speaking countries -- Departmental ditties -- Lucile Hall with Summerlys this week -- Madam X replies -- Curt college comments -- Mr. Brooks outlines outside activities -- Holyoke hilarities
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.21 no.31
v.21 no.31