The Sunflower, v.54, no.30 (April 28, 1949)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.54, no.30, Wichita, Kansas, April 28, 1949 - 10 pages
Table of Contents
Images in this collection were made from commercially produced and digitized microfilm, may be of poor quality, and will be gradually replaced by copies digitized by Special Collections from original paper copies. Source material held by University Librar
Article(s): Murder play final show of season -- Party lists candidates -- Campus FM advisor killed in air crash -- Bands of Dunne, Haughton to play for May Day dance -- O'Dell offers Student Council three-fold plan for pep club -- Students cooperate in blood donations -- University was municipalized one score, three years ago -- Report by Jardine ready for release -- Ames seeks council post -- Top honors awarded to Sunflower -- Music group gives award -- Club corner!: College fellowships of two churches will sponsor dance -- Honorary fraternity dance to be held in VFW Hall -- May Queen will be guest at Delta Omega May dance -- Kappa Delta Pi keys awarded to pledges at dinner meeting -- Winner: Sewing senior wins national contest for best garment -- Six University students announce engagements, spring, fall dates set -- Gammas entertain parents and wives -- Round about the campus / Rankin Griesinger -- Pledges serve lunch at Sorosis house -- Music clubs plan concert -- Campus departments entertain members of Downtown Club -- King made president of scout fraternity -- Pep draws fire and ire! -- 'God's law' lecture theme sponsored by Catholic youth / Mary Grice -- Student magazine will appear soon -- Vox discipuli: Poor school spirit, true-false tests flayed by readers / Gerry Hunter; Charlene Parker -- Pronko to attend meeting in Chicago -- Faculty rating system recommended by students / Mike Miller -- Royalty!: Dot Neises named queen runner-up during KU Relays -- Foreign students request pen-pals -- Pep officers will go to K-State meeting -- New Parnassus is dedicated to president, Mrs. Jardine -- Krafels is honored as 'Jack Armstrong' at Wheaties dance -- May dancers are named -- Grad gossip: Speeches, social activities and vacations fill schedule of University of Wichita alumni / Beulah Mullen -- Two alumni die recently -- Calif. alumni group will honor member -- Bob Laucke given honor -- English department to hear speaker -- Psychology assistants to speak at meeting -- Miller wins top rating -- Band to play for East High students -- WRA athletes elect officers at meeting -- ROTC test begins here -- Graduate will speak on campus tonight -- Sportsmen keep busy -- Southern colleges express boxing need -- Yale, Michigan, and USC are tops in track and field -- Pershing rifle group to regimental meet at Oklahoma A&M -- Five go to Madison for athletic meeting -- Shocker Nine to play three opponents: Tulsa squad here Friday -- Facts on Shocker athletes are released by Bill Mendell / Joe Morrisey -- Shocker net team is given new hope -- Phi Sigs will hold annual golf tourney -- Granny's death gag works in Ohio too -- Phillips beats Wichita baseball team, 13-8 as errors mar game -- YWCA camp needs summer sponsors -- Student geologists to make field trip -- Solome to France for goodwill tour
Photograph(s): Dick Haughton. p. 1 -- Mal Dunne. p. 1 -- Initial Albuquerque, N.M. Alumni Chapter meeting: (From left, front row) Walden Stith, Mrs. Stith, Mrs. Francis Stark, Willard Garvey, C. O. Miller, Jr., Larry McManis, Mrs. McManis. (Back row, from left) Gifford M. Booth, Jr., Lewis Crum, Robert Israel, Jr., Mrs. G. E. Almond, Max W. Milbourn, John Nastzger, G. E. Almond, Dr. E. N. DeWaide, Sandia Lou DeWaide, Clark McCorkle, Mrs. DeWaide, G. G. Almond. / photo by Paul Threifall. p. 6
Article(s): Murder play final show of season -- Party lists candidates -- Campus FM advisor killed in air crash -- Bands of Dunne, Haughton to play for May Day dance -- O'Dell offers Student Council three-fold plan for pep club -- Students cooperate in blood donations -- University was municipalized one score, three years ago -- Report by Jardine ready for release -- Ames seeks council post -- Top honors awarded to Sunflower -- Music group gives award -- Club corner!: College fellowships of two churches will sponsor dance -- Honorary fraternity dance to be held in VFW Hall -- May Queen will be guest at Delta Omega May dance -- Kappa Delta Pi keys awarded to pledges at dinner meeting -- Winner: Sewing senior wins national contest for best garment -- Six University students announce engagements, spring, fall dates set -- Gammas entertain parents and wives -- Round about the campus / Rankin Griesinger -- Pledges serve lunch at Sorosis house -- Music clubs plan concert -- Campus departments entertain members of Downtown Club -- King made president of scout fraternity -- Pep draws fire and ire! -- 'God's law' lecture theme sponsored by Catholic youth / Mary Grice -- Student magazine will appear soon -- Vox discipuli: Poor school spirit, true-false tests flayed by readers / Gerry Hunter; Charlene Parker -- Pronko to attend meeting in Chicago -- Faculty rating system recommended by students / Mike Miller -- Royalty!: Dot Neises named queen runner-up during KU Relays -- Foreign students request pen-pals -- Pep officers will go to K-State meeting -- New Parnassus is dedicated to president, Mrs. Jardine -- Krafels is honored as 'Jack Armstrong' at Wheaties dance -- May dancers are named -- Grad gossip: Speeches, social activities and vacations fill schedule of University of Wichita alumni / Beulah Mullen -- Two alumni die recently -- Calif. alumni group will honor member -- Bob Laucke given honor -- English department to hear speaker -- Psychology assistants to speak at meeting -- Miller wins top rating -- Band to play for East High students -- WRA athletes elect officers at meeting -- ROTC test begins here -- Graduate will speak on campus tonight -- Sportsmen keep busy -- Southern colleges express boxing need -- Yale, Michigan, and USC are tops in track and field -- Pershing rifle group to regimental meet at Oklahoma A&M -- Five go to Madison for athletic meeting -- Shocker Nine to play three opponents: Tulsa squad here Friday -- Facts on Shocker athletes are released by Bill Mendell / Joe Morrisey -- Shocker net team is given new hope -- Phi Sigs will hold annual golf tourney -- Granny's death gag works in Ohio too -- Phillips beats Wichita baseball team, 13-8 as errors mar game -- YWCA camp needs summer sponsors -- Student geologists to make field trip -- Solome to France for goodwill tour
Photograph(s): Dick Haughton. p. 1 -- Mal Dunne. p. 1 -- Initial Albuquerque, N.M. Alumni Chapter meeting: (From left, front row) Walden Stith, Mrs. Stith, Mrs. Francis Stark, Willard Garvey, C. O. Miller, Jr., Larry McManis, Mrs. McManis. (Back row, from left) Gifford M. Booth, Jr., Lewis Crum, Robert Israel, Jr., Mrs. G. E. Almond, Max W. Milbourn, John Nastzger, G. E. Almond, Dr. E. N. DeWaide, Sandia Lou DeWaide, Clark McCorkle, Mrs. DeWaide, G. G. Almond. / photo by Paul Threifall. p. 6
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.54 no.30
v.54 no.30