The Sunflower, v.43, no.29 (April 7, 1938)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963 , Ahlberg, Clark D., 1918-2007
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.43, no.29, Wichita, Kansas, April 7, 1938. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): School to vote on ticket increase: Election will be held tomorrow morning at Rotunda; Dramatics and student forum will profit if measure is approved; two-thirds vote necessary for passage -- Twelve jurors are chosen for membership in Blue Key; cross-section represented -- Speculators cut wheat prices price as prospects wane -- Lieurance gives forum concert -- Isley speaks on 'reading menus' -- 'Orchids to You' honors Palmer -- Seven keys to 'success' door 'handed' coeds -- Music festival for neighboring highs is Friday -- Republican Club will hear Knox -- Organizations guarantee finer performances if bill passes -- Activity ticket increase ballot -- Measure is divided into two sections; Kinsey urges large vote -- Intramural fee is found to go for other things -- Three vacancies to be filled by new professors -- Summer school bulletin issued -- Many weeklies to take part in annual contest -- Students plan May 1 program -- Johnson will show pictures on campus -- Lewis Crum new Barb president; Glades resigns -- Vote for queen, escort changed -- Extension division deans hold meeting -- Sophomores are launching drive for class dues -- Good books are cure for spring fever epidemic -- Students in NYA said increasing with 'recession' -- Duerksen talks for music meet -- The Last Add -- French play is announced, cast -- Army inspection is for next Thursday -- Collegiate world -- Review / Edith Foth -- Student opinion / W. A. L.; C. E. P. -- Grad gossip -- Alpha Taus will fete fathers at dinner Saturday -- Omega Upsilon hears Cordrae -- Hippodrome is big financial success -- April 30 is date of Sorosis play; cast announced -- Jardines to tour southern states -- Presentation has professional tone -- Former students will wed in May -- Rydjord to speak at state meeting -- Kappa Rhos honor dads with dinner -- Pat Fuller, John Helfrich will wed -- Allman will speak to S.C.M.A. Monday -- Beta Nu 'Bunny Hop' to be held in art building -- Y.W. installation set for April 20 -- Aesculapius sets Friday night for informal party -- Pi Alpha Pi have pajama parade -- Party to be held for lab children -- Swimmers get second in contest -- Local trackmen win first meet by close score -- Tennis men win in first games -- Softball enries to close Monday -- School golfers to leave Friday for two meets -- Sports wise / Katy Dedrick-- Federation will pick committee -- Baseball, golf, tennis, archery take spotlight -- W.U. faces Aggie netmen Tuesday -- The sporting thing / Charles E. Poe -- Cindermen meet college rivals on local track -- Football debate in Supreme Court
Photograph(s): [Blue Key] Men selected: Danny Tonte, Meryl Coover, Douglas Nunn, Stanley Diamond, Tom Barr, Kenneth Marts, George Schnug, Willard Johnson. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Patricia Fuller: Has selected Saturday afternoon for her wedding to John Helfrich. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Samuel West in the chapel of St. James Episcopal Church. Miss Fuller has chosen Sally Wilson as her only attendant. p. 3 -- Blue Key (pictures continued from page 1): Douglas Gleason, Clark Ahlberg, Tromer Smith, Lewis Crum. p. 4 -- Varsity track man: Herb Schlotthauer, above, is one of the members of the Shocker mile relay team that has been showing speedy time on the track. Schlotthauer also runs the mile for the Varsity. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.43 no.29
PubMed ID