The Sunflower, 1931-1932, no.13, December 9, 1931

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.37, no.13, Wichita, Kansas, December 9, 1931. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Brook passes tests -- Kodak contest gest under way as all candidates named -- Women's Glee Club presents program -- Attends University registrar conclave -- Aptitude tests will be given Friday to pre-medic students -- Faculty members talk at meetings -- German Club has Christmas party -- Debaters lose at Winfield -- Geology division gets new oil map -- Hunter will head next year's Wheatshocker football team -- Wichita U. students attend convention in Topeka Saturday -- Bugles for Girls' Corps received -- Pupils of Fischer presented in piano recital December 13 -- Aeronautics class studies propellers -- Present "Sun-Up" Dec. 10-11 -- Promotion of junior army men revealed -- Cadet officers drill companies -- Choose cast for 'A Winter's Tale' -- Stricter rules in effect for future University dances -- Rifle team will begin competition -- Test pilot talks to Engineers Club -- Student cars crash at campus entrance -- Students register Jan. 4-16 -- Men declare "sloppy" dies not describe girl students -- Beauty / Marvin T. McConnell -- Smart tunes in "Oh, Professor" -- Rapid strides are taken in development of television -- Rydjord conducts class experiment -- Kansas coal use urged at meeting -- Shocker society: Sororities and fraternities; Christmas trees add holiday note to Webster party; Spaghetti supper surprises D.O. active members; Pi Alph presides at informal tea; Bridal party of Fultz-Fletcher rites revealed; Holiday party announces 18 Sorosis pledges; Christmas party to be given at Holyoke Hall; Last varsity before holidays is Saturday eve; Fairmount Library Club has unusual party for members; Announce mid-year registration plan; Spanish Club plans typical Christmas party for members -- Crawley gest All-American mention; W. U. cagers meet Alva Monday: Shockers get eleven all-central berths in Sunflower choice -- Klopenstein is winner in rifle -- Intramural B.B. commences week after vacation -- Women's sports / Dorothea Kyle -- Kansas Aggies on 20 to 6 win over Shocker eleven -- Inter-sorority games replace class contests -- Varsity hockey team battles in tie with alumni -- W.U. basketball opens Monday in game with Alva
Photograph(s): Russell Hunter. p. 1 -- Pledges Sorosis sorority: Miss Betty Macauley, 4011 Hammond Drive, who recently pledged Sorosis here on the campus. Miss Macauley is a junior at the University, last year having been graduated from Long Beach Junior college, Long Beach, Cal. In Wichita, Miss Macauley is at home with her sister, Mrs. Frank O. Carr. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- All-Central conference Shockers: Here are three Wichita U. players who rated the conference and all-state teams of nearly all football experts. Ray Beeman, left above, was chosen to hold down the left end berth on the honorary teams because of his stellar all-around play. Tilford "Tlp" Tucker, left lower, is considered one of the best backs in Kansas, and was unanimously picked for all-conference and all- state. Captain Bill Crawley, center above, besides being considered the best center in Kansas, was given honorable mention on the Associated Press all-American eleven. / Photo Crawley and Tucker by Beacon; Beeman by Morning Eagle. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.37 no.13
PubMed ID