1996-05-06 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of May 6, 1996 -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 1995-1996, v.9
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): Annual reports: A. Academic Appeals -- B. Faculty Support -- C. Scholarship & Student Aid -- D. Tenure & Promotion -- E. University Curriculum -- F. University Curriculum report on Assessment of Student Achievement/Leaning -- (Old business): A. Faculty evaluation guidelines -- B. Chronic low performance statement -- C. Faculty response to State of University -- (New business): A. Student academic integrity policy -- (As may arise)
Attachments: The Academic Appeals Committee annual report -- Annual report: Faculty Support Committee, 1995-1996 -- Scholarship and Student Aid Committee 1995/96 academic year annual report -- University Tenure and Promotion Committee annual committee report / A.J. Mandt -- 1996 Tenure and promotion cases: Summary of actions -- Report to the Faculty Senate: University Curriculum Committee, April 25, 1996 -- Addendum to Sub-committee report on Training Graduate Students to Teach / Diane Quantic -- Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Teaching Assistant Training -- The State of the University faculty response
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted annual reports of the following committees: Academic Appeals Committee, the Faculty Support Committee, the Scholarship and Student Aid Committee, the Tenure and Promotion Committee, University Curriculum Committee -- 2. Accepted recommendation of the Faculty Support Committee to revise the charge of the Committee as stated in the Faculty Handbook -- 3. Accepted recommendations of the Scholarship and Student Aid Committee that the Senate Executive Committee issue guidelines for committees to use in making recommendations and for dealing with the press -- 4. Referred report on Assessment of Student Achievement from Curriculum Committee back to committee to work with the Office of Academic Affairs in developing guidelines & recommendations on the training of Graduate Students who teach -- 5. Accepted election of Larry Davis as Senator to represent LAS Humanities 1996/7 -- (Informal statements and proposals): Reminder to Senators of meeting times and events / President Campbell -- (Committee reports): Annual reports: A. Academic Appeals -- B. Faculty Support -- C. Scholarship and Student Aid -- D. Tenure and Promotion -- E. University Curriculum and F. University Curriculum report on Assessment of Student Achievement/Learning -- G. Rules [Committee] -- (Old business): A. Faculty evaluation guidelines discussion -- (As may arise): Clarification of a question about discussion of the annual reports of the committees / Parliamentarian Benson
Attachments: The Academic Appeals Committee annual report -- Annual report: Faculty Support Committee, 1995-1996 -- Scholarship and Student Aid Committee 1995/96 academic year annual report -- University Tenure and Promotion Committee annual committee report / A.J. Mandt -- 1996 Tenure and promotion cases: Summary of actions -- Report to the Faculty Senate: University Curriculum Committee, April 25, 1996 -- Addendum to Sub-committee report on Training Graduate Students to Teach / Diane Quantic -- Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Teaching Assistant Training -- The State of the University faculty response
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted annual reports of the following committees: Academic Appeals Committee, the Faculty Support Committee, the Scholarship and Student Aid Committee, the Tenure and Promotion Committee, University Curriculum Committee -- 2. Accepted recommendation of the Faculty Support Committee to revise the charge of the Committee as stated in the Faculty Handbook -- 3. Accepted recommendations of the Scholarship and Student Aid Committee that the Senate Executive Committee issue guidelines for committees to use in making recommendations and for dealing with the press -- 4. Referred report on Assessment of Student Achievement from Curriculum Committee back to committee to work with the Office of Academic Affairs in developing guidelines & recommendations on the training of Graduate Students who teach -- 5. Accepted election of Larry Davis as Senator to represent LAS Humanities 1996/7 -- (Informal statements and proposals): Reminder to Senators of meeting times and events / President Campbell -- (Committee reports): Annual reports: A. Academic Appeals -- B. Faculty Support -- C. Scholarship and Student Aid -- D. Tenure and Promotion -- E. University Curriculum and F. University Curriculum report on Assessment of Student Achievement/Learning -- G. Rules [Committee] -- (Old business): A. Faculty evaluation guidelines discussion -- (As may arise): Clarification of a question about discussion of the annual reports of the committees / Parliamentarian Benson
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives