The Sunflower, v.41, no.17 (January 16, 1936)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Manning, Kenneth V. (Kenneth Verne), 1899-1990 , Staples, Clayton Henri, 1892-1978 , Hillbrand, Earl K. , Freshman College , Auditorium , Student Union
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.41, no.17, Wichita, Kansas, January 16, 1936. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): New degree in business is offered -- Kansas Press meeting here -- Brown given outstanding honor -- Height, taller; weight, thinner; intelligence - ? -- Lois Carpenter is new officer -- 'Brigaters' Friend' to be issued soon -- College life takes change -- Summer school gains in favor -- Graduate has only praise for training -- Iowa paper cites Bakkum in story -- Night school will open again Feb. 3 -- Selection of ideal women near at hand -- Parnassus has 853 pictures --Students here join NYA project staff -- Greek 'Hell Week' trails dodo, unpaved campus, Blue Eagle into oblivion -- To exchange performances -- University co-ed is proficient whistler -- Social groups complete election of new rulers -- Kodak contest winners named -- Harbison discusses educations values -- Pulitzer editorials compiled for class -- German club sees alkie of Germany -- Tuition debt will prevent enrollment --Selection of cadets given -- Davis to give series of poetry lectures -- Council elections to be held Feb. 7 -- Balance weighs dot of an "i" -- Name staff to decorate new buildng -- Must sign up before Jan. 18 -- Freshman college is nering realization -- Annual band dance on Monday, Jan. 27 -- It is possible to have both the AAA and Supreme Court -- People of world must be given fair access to the abundance -- Short Pants -- Collegiate world -- Story of Christmas as it was in the 'Isles of Paradise' -- Alumni splinters -- Education is easing back -- Spague's condition is much improved -- University society: Spanish Club to hold meeting this evening; Matrix sorority to have installation of officers; D.O. to entertain at apron, overall party; R.O.T.C. band to give dance; Music Society takes in eleven at service; Pi Alpha Pi to preside with informal Feb. 7; Actives of Beta Nu hnored at dance; Malone-Lyman wedding vows read on Jan. 11; Helen Bradord is wed to Wm. Sweet; Messick-Peterson vows to be read on Jan. 18; Wilson-Ora engagement is revealed Sunday; 10 ideal women will be feted; Army fraternity will initiate fur members; Camp-Olt marriage to be event of March; Members of W.A.A. enjoy weekend party; Webster's Mothers' Club to have review -- Hillbrand's artile is published twice -- Professors' hobbies are revelation to students -- Vari-colored strata map new delight of Geology Department -- Course added to press curriculum -- Wall is speaker meeting of voters -- Moonlight, romance, cabbage and onions -- Buy looms for home economics -- Exams next week will end semester -- Heavy lunches are bad for students -- Hays points for victory over Wichita -- Managers choose volley ball team -- Women's sport glances / Kathryn Ann Emery -- Four Fs down Alpha gam team -- Free throws beat Hornets -- Ichabods drop thriller to W.U. -- Sharp Shooters waiting action -- Basketball is on the upturn -- Music class sees moving pictures -- Tournament is won by sophomore class -- Shocker hopes high for track -- Central race getting close -- Finish up schedule for first semester
Photograph(s): Heads 4-H Club: Miss Lola Carpenter, a sophomore in the college of Liberal Arts, has been elected to serve as president of the Collegiate 4-H Club for the second semester of the school year. p. 1 -- Loy Wood. p. 2 -- Two new sorority leaders: Miss Alliane Dunn of Pi Kappa Psi sorority and Miss Maxine Wideman of Delta Omega sorority are the two young women chosen by their respective sororities to act as presidents for the second semester. p. 3 -- Hockey team choices: Picked for their outstanding work throughout the hockey season were these 12 girls who now constitute the varsity hockey team. They are from left to right: Maxine Williams, Ida Nell Barnhart, Nelda Schlichting, Aileen Calkins, Beulah Barret, Audine Belford, Marguerite McClure, Betty Gensch, Velma Richardson, Janet Tudhope, Bobby Braley, and Vivian Shane. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.41 no.17
PubMed ID