The Sunflower, v.41, no.20 (February 6, 1936)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Blue Key
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.41, no.20, Wichita, Kansas, February 6, 1936. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Shocker rallies rout Pittsburgh -- R.O.T.C. gains in attendance -- W.U graduate is given state office -- Four men will represent W.U. in Kansas City -- Course sought in sex hygiene -- First meeting of staff is called -- Doctors temperment invades "Chris Bean" -- New bus for W.U. students in Riverside -- Guest band is to play in assembly -- Blue Key has installation -- Extra classes in full swing -- Schedule of classes to be changed -- Men of English give up ghost -- School to get German books -- Picture ideal campus chapel -- Eight to be added to council Friday -- Hoover lauds police school of university -- Club members to hear actor -- Dramatic and debate squads go to Denver -- Debate tourney to be at W.U. -- Wall completes N.Y.A. project -- Onsgard elected new barb leader -- Instructors will head district education meet -- United States Naval expenses will be triple those of Japan -- Journalism comes at the top of list disclosing salaries -- Short pants / Loy Wood -- Collegiate world -- Your broken heart has been a dreamy fantasy -- Pre-medics elect new term officers -- Dean Wilkie in Washington -- 610 enroll for music courses -- Six seniors receive awards -- Alpha Kappa Delta granted approval -- Tae leaves a prize kimono -- Morgan honors social groups -- University society: Blooming pledges now attain their growth; Fifteen pledged to military frat; Faculty to relax at dinner party; Matrix pledge group to have book review; Phi Alph frat will have dance; Jimmie Lee is elected president of Colophon; Women's Pan Hellenic holds installation; Pi Kappa Psi to have leap year informal; Cies elected to head Y.W. -- Leap year - Apollo flees; Diana takes up the chase -- Shockers meet Moundbuilders tomorrow night -- Race drawing close in loop -- Graduate group to have meeting -- Brawn vs. Brawn or Holyoke vs. Holyoke -- Women's sport glances / Ruth Bryant -- Hays in lead, Wichita second -- East High instructor writes article for "The Psi Delta Kappan" -- Billiards in new intramural sport -- Faculty downs gammas; 43-28 -- Hubert S. Neas is new coach -- Shockers lose to Builders
Photograph(s): Re-elected: Garland Campbell, popular senior student of the University, has been re-elected president of Aesculepius, premedics fraternity. p. 1 -- New barb head: Promising a New Deal, Henry Onsgard, Jr. Tuesday was elected to head the barbs on campus during the second semester. John Glades was elected vice president. p. 1 -- Works in sociology: Miss Helen Louise Carr is selected as organization chairman in the effort that is being made to bring a local chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, sociological science sorority, to the University. / photo courtesy of The Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Loy Wood. p. 2 -- New Y.W.C.A. leaders: Miss Mary Cles, left, yesterday was elected president of the Y.W.C.A. for the second semester. Miss Cles is a junior and a member of Pi Kappa Psi sorority, Miss Virginia Alford, right, was elected vice president. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.41 no.20
PubMed ID