The Sunflower, v.71, no.35 (January 13, 1967)

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Archival material
College student newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Burgess, Phyllis , Merrill, Walter
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.71 no.35. Wichita, Kansas, January 13, 1967. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): SGC approves 15 cent hike in privilege fee -- Faculty Senate blasts WSU football boosts / Pat O'Connor -- Jim Roberts resigns post to work in Peace Corps -- Honors president resigns office -- Black power is topic of NEWPAC member -- Organizational heads meet in workshop -- Sorority set ti sponsor scholarships -- Loyalty Oath meets oppositions from suit -- Alumni name new chancellors -- Instructor of the Week: WSU Education Professor studies teaching efficiency / Mary Ellen Borst -- FY 1968 budget is explained by Emory Lindquist / Kris Burgerhoff -- A case for pocket change -- The non-voting member: Student government comments / Ron Wylie -- Jim Roberts lauded by freshman officers -- Dr. Sidney Blubaugh attacks LSD; Paper brands it 'most dangerous' -- WSU leads Kansas colleges in job opportunities / story by Marilyn Schulte, photos by Darrell Barton -- Society news: Pinnings, engagements shower Greek houses / Cheri Basta -- Record high is seen for spring term -- Draft dodging is lower than WW II -- WSU violinist plans TV performance -- KMUW quips / Frankie Howard -- Anthropology Club to hear Munsell Speak on Pima -- Underdog Chiefs to face Green Boy in Super Bowl -- Shocks face Swedish Nationals in Field House at 8:00 P.M. -- Shocker trackmen to vie in indoor, outdoor meets / Steve Gresham -- Shocker sportlights / Steve Gresham -- Gymnastics team to meet with KU Jayhawkers
Photograph(s): Jim Roberts announced his resignation before SGC in Tuesday's meeting. p. 1 -- Donald Hughes told audience that the "Civil Rights laws (are) being enjoyed only by a small minority." p. 1 -- Dr. Phyliss [sic] Burgess. p. 3 -- Mrs. Genevieve Williams from Student Services is shown helping this student with employment information. p. 5 -- Carol Card works 25 hours each week at night at this familiar counter. p. 5 -- Dave Lloyd spends 19 hours each week cleaning Wilner Auditorium for WSU. p. 5 -- Mike Melugin working 25 hours per week stand ready to assist Dr. Farha as he examines this six year old boy. p. 5 -- Working 30 hours each week, engineering Junior Paul Kuhn is employing one of many procedures used in the lab. p. 5 -- Student checks bulletin board located in Student Employment Center in the basement of Morrison Hall. p. 5 -- Kirk and Carol Downing are the owners and operators of the Red Baron, and each also carries a full load at WSU. p. 5 -- Eye Opener: Janice Jantz, junior. p. 9 -- Jorgen Hansson: Swedish basketball ace learned basketball while an exchange student at high school in Michigan. Last year he was on the New Mexico State University freshmen team and now Is a member of the Swedish National Club Champion Basketball Team. He is 22, weighs 209 pounds and Is six feet, eight Inches. p. 11
"See Parnassus Notice Page 2"
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.71 no.35
PubMed ID