How therapists act: Combining major approaches to psychotherapy and the adaptive counselling and therapy model
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In this edited casebook, therapists identified with major theoretical approaches demonstrate how they use the Adaptive Counselling and Therapy ACT Model in combination with their preferred theoretical perspective. Differences in each therapist's tone and approach are captured in six case chapters. Weaving the integrative thread of ACT throughout the tapestry of cases, this text combines illustrative material from specific theoretical approaches.; A major focus of the volume involves combining ACT with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Humanistic Psychotherapy, Systems Theory, Time-Limited Psychodynamic Counselling and Eclectic Counselling for women and men.; Serving as a text for graduate-level methods and theory courses in counselling, psychology, mental health counselling and counselling guidance, this book can also be used as a resource for practitioners in the same areas. It emphasises tasks, readiness, and adapting therapist behaviour and treatments to each client.