The Sunflower, v.61, no.13 (November 2, 1956)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Alumni Association , Graduate School , Homecoming , Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.61, no.13, Wichita, Kansas, November 2, 1956. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Grid battle pits WU, HU: To clash here on Saturday -- 4 seek Queen's crown in homecoming contest -- SC gives vote rules on Queen -- 2 students to attend nat'l meet -- Chest goes over goal -- Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt speaks here: Meets WU students, city newsmen; Stresses need for languages; 4,000 hear forum talk -- 100 greet ex-First Lady -- WU increase in state 1st semester -- Pep convo, bonfire planned for tonight -- 16 to play last game in Wichita -- Shocker frosh end season; Try for 3rd straight -- Houston game may decide Valley crown -- Editorials: Homecoming-well remembered -- Press Club plans election party, project -- Convention bound: top staff members to attend ACP meet -- Vandals break FA windows -- Campus forum -- WU alums add to campus life / Beverly Haring -- New staff increases total by 45 -- Graduate school offers eight master's degrees / Bill Boone -- Homecoming 19[illegible] -- From the president / Harry F. Corbin -- Corbin to join grads at coffee -- Dates to '20s: Frosh wore beanies until homecoming / Leslie Wilson -- Beat Houston: Shocks fight for 4th win -- WU student body increase reported largest in state / Diane Copeland -- 8 cheerleaders help spark Shocker yells / Sherry Tourtillott -- Frat holds 40th year celebration -- Faculty is invited to home ec meals -- Pub board's view sought by council -- KMUW will broadcast WU's homecoming game -- Job talks dates set -- 150 teachers meet at WU
Photograph(s): Virginia Christenson; Sandy Bibler; Nancy Hanks; Jean Nickerson. p. 1 -- Chief planners in the Alumni Association, who are making final preparations for the various alumni homecoming plans are, from left, Pete Armstrong, coordinator of the executive committee; Mrs. Dorothy Harmon; Oliver Elliott, president of the Alumni Association; and Harlin Bond. Mrs. Harmon and Bond are co-chairmen for Homecoming activities. p. 4 -- Left to right: Merrill Green, Ass't Coach; Dick Monroe, Ass't Coach; Pete Tillman, Head Coach; Dick Tomlinson, Ass't Coach; Jim Ranck, Freshman Coach. p. 5 -- Leading the Wichita University Shockers against the Houston Cougars in tomorrow afternoon's game will be (left to right) guard Dwayne Puetz, tackle Max Bretches, and fullback Leroy Hinman. p. 8 -- 'Let's see how it measures up" Butch Van Dusen, left, Engineering junior, and Dick Coover, right, Business Administration senior and Bearded Man Contest chairman, check the beard of a second contestant, Jim Watkins, Liberal Arts freshman. / photo by Jim Dove. p. 9 -- 'Fight - for a win over Houston.' University cheerleaders will be out to pull all possible noise from alumni and students at the Homecoming game, tomorrow afternoon. Pictured are Marci Kerrick, J. D. Gilbert, Carolyn Peel, Vic Flippo, Sonja Pumpelly, Stan Allen, Cindy Rader, and Mike Kelly doing a new yell developed at cheerleading school in Dallas, Texas. p 11 -- Painting was the order of the evening, Tuesday, for members of Epsilon Kappa Rho sorority who began final preparations on their display for Homecoming. p. 11 -- Phi Upsilon Sigma fraternity members 'rally 'round' to discuss and work on their house display for Saturday's Homecoming. Bill Dando is Homecoming chairman for the fraternity. p. 11
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.61 no.13
PubMed ID