The Sunflower, v.46, no.06 (October 17, 1940)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Enrollment , Whock Club , World War, 1939-1945 -- Draft registration
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.6, Wichita, Kansas, October 17, 1940. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): All-student convo is set for Oct. 23 -- Republicans win in 'straw' vote -- Whan goes to Iowa for radio meeting -- New course improved -- Students follow picture schedule -- Second varsity to be Saturday following game -- National draft reaches campus -- British debaters cancel W.U. visit -- Council lays final plans for pep trip -- Post of captain arouses protest -- Educators request reading materials -- Student has ill health -- This is it - Whock -- Whock chooses design for new group emblem -- 'Betty Coed' to be named soon -- Educators to convene October 31 -- McFadden talks on Americanism -- Two are named for homecoming -- Lieurance music to be featured at K.C. concert -- Delta Sigma Rho schools debate W.U. by radio -- Library to display Americanism books -- Rydjord to speak in Winfield, Oct. 22 -- All-student pep convo to be held on campus tonight -- Lesson in love is furnished by university play -- Enrollment has slight decrease -- Down cards on way to Wichita students -- Yearbook opens picture contest -- Croft at work on new sociology book -- Facing the issue -- University bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Collegiate world -- Shocker shots / Boles -- 'It's fun to fly' say fly W.U. girls who have tried -- Lunches served for handicapped -- Mixers are tried in downtown division -- Grad gossip: California alumni has big meeting -- Four former campus students tell engagements and weddings -- Initiation picnic for F.W.S.R.A. list -- Roundabout the campus / Sue and Josie -- Newman club hold social in commons -- Barn dance for Men of Webster on slate Friday -- Kappa Delta Pi planning events -- Music student to be featured radio soloist -- Rights for women discussed by Y.W. -- Armour speaks to journalism pledge groups -- Martha Durbin is new club president -- Dean addresses rotary -- Homecoming dinner -- Calendar -- I.S.A. group is to hold function tomorrow night -- Hillbrand to Stockton -- Gorillas furnish Shocker opposition in Saturday game -- Soccer results are duplicated from last year -- St. Louis players must be versatile -- The dope bucket / Bob Jones -- Touring team will play hockey here -- Hennigh calls for additional players -- Shockers suffer 26-6 setback at hands of Aggies -- Gammas capture intramural lead -- Speech laboratory has many visitors -- Touch football season to open this afternoon -- Hekhuis leads faculty golfers -- Quarterbacks club meets tomorrow -- New backboards installed in university gymnasium
Photograph(s): Preparing student convocation: When this photograph was made, the principals insisted upon writing the cutline as follows - "These two irrepressible [sic] beserkists, Higginson and Armstrong, are here shown doing research on the incipient fauna of the Patagonian Midlands, recently bombed. Acting as accessories to the crime are Ethel Jane Myers and Betty Hannah, unhappily inveigled into acting as chairwomen of the student convocation to be presented next Wednesday at 10:20 a.m." p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Bernarr McFadden. p. 2 -- Chairman of Webster Party: Lyman Smith, chairman of the party at which Webster actives will honor their new pledges Friday evening. p. 3 -- Chairman of I.S.A. dance: Lena Mae Nyberg, chairman of the no-date mixer which members of the I.S.A. will hold tomorrow evening in the Lounge of the Commons. p. 3 -- Jones. p. 4 -- Backfield star: One of the few Shockers to show offensive form in the Oklahoma Aggie game last Saturday was Burt Hayes, flashy halfback of the Gerbertment. Hayes is being counted on to provide the scoring spark in this week's game against Pittsburg from both a running and passing standpoint. p. 4 -- Shocker captain: Clarence Howard, captain of the 1940 Shocker squad, directed the selection of the Wheaties queen by members of the football squad in a secret ballot Tuesday. The results of the squad ballot will be revealed tonight at the big all-school pep rally in the University Auditorium, when the chosen entry will be honored by special festivities. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.6
PubMed ID