2008-04-28 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 28, 2008. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2007-2008, v.21
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's Report) -- (Committee reports): A. Standing Committee Annual Reports: 1. Rules -- 2. Undergraduate Research -- 3. Academic Affairs -- (Old business): A. Amended Motion from Executive Committee: Final Reading with vote to be taken -- (New business): A. Budget update / Mary Herrin -- B. 9 Pay 12 information / Diane Coleman
Attachments: Report of the Academic Affairs Committee for 2007 - 2008: Academic Affairs; Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum; Rules Committee for the Faculty Senate
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the Faculty Senate Standing Committee annual reports from Academic Affairs, Library, Rules, Undergraduate Research -- 2. Accepted the following committee appointments for the Faculty Senate Standing Committees ---all are three-year appointments: Academic Affairs: Nancy McCarthy Snyder, Cindy Craig; Court of Academic Appeals: Ray Hull (full), Candace Wells (alt); Faculty Affairs: Kay Gibson, Syed Taher; Faculty Support: Sai Deng, Paul Rillema; General Education: Ikram Ahmed, Stephen Brady (Basic Skills Rep); Honors: Clyde Stoltenberg, Betty Monroe, Liorah Golomb; Library: Robert Feleppa, Kimberly McDowell; RULES: Clyde Stoltenberg, Krishna Krishnan, Cathy Moore-Jansen; Scholarship and Student Aid: Sam Yeager, Mary Walker; Undergraduate Research: Maria Torres Pillot; University Curricilum: Gerganna Markova; International Exceptions: Anh Tran -- 3. Accepted the motion from Executive Committee for proposal of plus/minus grading -- (New business): Budget update / Mary Herrin -- B. 9 pay 12 / Diane Coleman, Connie White, and Gayla Shrank -- (President's report): 1. She will begin to post her report online -- 2. State budget is tied up in a fight between Senate and House -- 3. Campus security -- 4. Unclassified professional staff and the UPS Senate -- (Committee report): 1. Faculty Senate Standing Committee Annual Reports -- 2. Rules: Presented partial list of the committee recommendations for appointments for 2008-2011 / Larry Spurgeon -- (Old business): A. Proposal for Plus/Minus grading: Final reading & Vote
Attachments: Report of the Academic Affairs Committee for 2007 - 2008: Academic Affairs; Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum; Rules Committee for the Faculty Senate
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the Faculty Senate Standing Committee annual reports from Academic Affairs, Library, Rules, Undergraduate Research -- 2. Accepted the following committee appointments for the Faculty Senate Standing Committees ---all are three-year appointments: Academic Affairs: Nancy McCarthy Snyder, Cindy Craig; Court of Academic Appeals: Ray Hull (full), Candace Wells (alt); Faculty Affairs: Kay Gibson, Syed Taher; Faculty Support: Sai Deng, Paul Rillema; General Education: Ikram Ahmed, Stephen Brady (Basic Skills Rep); Honors: Clyde Stoltenberg, Betty Monroe, Liorah Golomb; Library: Robert Feleppa, Kimberly McDowell; RULES: Clyde Stoltenberg, Krishna Krishnan, Cathy Moore-Jansen; Scholarship and Student Aid: Sam Yeager, Mary Walker; Undergraduate Research: Maria Torres Pillot; University Curricilum: Gerganna Markova; International Exceptions: Anh Tran -- 3. Accepted the motion from Executive Committee for proposal of plus/minus grading -- (New business): Budget update / Mary Herrin -- B. 9 pay 12 / Diane Coleman, Connie White, and Gayla Shrank -- (President's report): 1. She will begin to post her report online -- 2. State budget is tied up in a fight between Senate and House -- 3. Campus security -- 4. Unclassified professional staff and the UPS Senate -- (Committee report): 1. Faculty Senate Standing Committee Annual Reports -- 2. Rules: Presented partial list of the committee recommendations for appointments for 2008-2011 / Larry Spurgeon -- (Old business): A. Proposal for Plus/Minus grading: Final reading & Vote
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives