The Sunflower, v.71, no.39 (February 21, 1967)

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College student newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , African Americans , Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority , Bikermen, Michael , Diller, Phyllis , Fullerton, William (Bill) , Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 -- Assassination , Reagan, Ronald , Sherman, Dorothy , Tasch, Paul
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.71 no.39. Wichita, Kansas, February 21, 1967. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Chats, book reviews, films to fill WSU Egghead Week -- Egghead program to be featured this Wednesday -- University students to pay higher fees / Janice Hake -- Four car smashup injures two University students -- Arnold squadron plans competition for blood drive -- Last four presidents knew about CIA funds to NSA -- Professors uncover fossils in Antarctica / Sue Lorch -- Wichita attorney wins court fight on ticket battle -- Organization is explained to faculty by Dessauer -- Changes in college planned by new education dean / Kris Burgerhoff -- Four faculty members to display music talents -- Vote registration ends tonight -- WSU Student Lobby calls for strong housing law -- Institute will finance awards with grant -- 350 students needed in service projects / Kris Burerhoff -- Season to open with production of play 'Dylan' -- Zoning rules near campus will be relaxed by city / Cheri Basta -- Citizenship begins now! -- Reader disputes recent editorial about bookstore -- 'Arrests will be made says New Orleans D.A. -- Well-known profs will speak Wed. at news forum -- 'Eggheads unite!': Mortar Board sounds off! -- Prof. Sherman attends meeting in Washington -- Dr. Assad Rahhal to lead meeting Thursday evening -- Profs to debate campus ROTC -- Graphic students exhibit art work in New York City -- UCF to meet today; Will discuss lecture -- New WSU chapter formed by oldest Negro sorority -- Legal service aid to poor is considered -- Dr. Turpin discusses project with groups -- Apathy competes -- Royalty hopefuls set to vie for honors -- Towt receives honors -- Geo. Worden outlines job to funnell [sic] communications / Cheri Basta -- Fashion expert wins fame by masochism / Marilyn Ruggles -- AF ROTC will have accelerated program -- Bickerman receives grant from N. Y. research group -- All students may attend summer European Seminar -- Seminar in finance to be held weekly -- 'A time for burning' -- 2nd College Bowl changes are told -- Great rebellion year rivals Berkeley action -- Blues to compete -- School nurse announces hours for health office -- Grad student exhibits -- New officers elected by Anchorette team -- Ron Washington, Shock 'Shadow' cast as key defensive leader -- Fizdale-Gold piano duet exhibit miraculous unison / Susan King -- Calif. tuition raise debate postponed as Reagen [sic] casts opposing vote -- Art Symposium presented here for first time -- Shocker gymnastics squad tabbed versatile, youthful / Steve Gresham -- Loyola dumps Shocks, Tillman nets 40 points / Steve Gresham -- Shocks invade Bearcats den for 'must' game vs. Cincy / Mike Kiser -- WSU gymnasts score victory -- Burton tops 16-3 to elapse record -- Skydiving Club to hold meeting in C.A.C. Weds. -- Kiser's Korner / Mike Kiser -- Baseball meeting set for Monday
Photograph(s): A tangled mass of metal and broken glass littered the street in front of the political science building when these two cars crashed together Friday . p. 1 -- Dr. Shaffer studies fossils he uncovered in his recent trip to Antarctica with Dr. Tash. p. 2 -- Dr. Bill J. Fullerton. p. 2 -- Loren Janzen, Domenico Tesoriere, Peter Johnson and Riley Rhodes are shown here at work on their lithograph prints. p. 5 -- New ROTC member receives rare award. p. 6 -- Ron Washington, 6-5 junior guard labeled as Shockers' top defender despite weight disadvantage. p. 10 -- Gary Johnson: This talented Shocker junior specializes in the side horse event. Here he demonstrates the form that gained him many first place finishes in the side horse competition. p. 11 -- Bob Baker: The Shockers best all-around performer, Bob is especially proficient on the high bar. Shown above is Baker as he whirls through his high bar routine. p. 11 -- Lyle Houpt: Doubles on high bar and rings; has shown steady improvement lately. Above he exhibits his abilities on the rings in the recent WSU-KU meet. p. 11 -- Mike Young: An all-event performer, Mike is possibly best in the floor exercise. Here he gazes pensively as he awaits his next competition. p. 11
"See Gymnastics Page 11"
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.71 no.39
PubMed ID