Mitigations of machine-damaged free-edge effects on fiber-reinforced composites
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The carbon fiber-reinforced composites were prepared in a vacuum oven using pre-preg composites, and the edge surfaces of the composite coupons were treated using high performing adhesives to eliminate the free-edge effects. The primary objective of the study was to usefully address the free-edge effects of composites used in aircraft and other manufacturing industries. The mechanical test results conducted on the untreated and edge-treated test coupons showed that the edge treatment and fiber orientations significantly affected the tensile strength and quality of the composites. It is determined that applying adhesives on the edges of the coupons could improve the mechanical properties of the composites, about 11%. Successful testing and evaluation of materials can lead to the precise analysis of a structure, and predictable behavior of the end design. This study may open up new possibilities to enhance the overall mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composites for various manufacturing industries.