The Sunflower, 1929-1930, no.24, April 9, 1930

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Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Hekhuis, Lambertus, 1890- , Mikesell, William Henry, 1887-1969 , Athletic Association , Book Lover's Club , Angulo, Joseph , Ayres, H. D. , Cunradi, Beatrice , Mahin, Amy , Student Council -- Constitution , Student Day
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.22, no.24, Wichita, Kansas, April 9, 1930. - 3 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Girls to military circus: Men's team to accompany girls to Kansas City for annual event -- Negro cast to give play in auditorium: Montell Park, W.U. student and Marie Mayberry carry leads -- W.U. girls to Women Voters League meet -- Assign R.O.T.C. grads with 353rd infantry -- Nationally known athletes entered in Kansas relays -- Regents ask for harmony -- Two seniors will enter Mass. Tech -- Major Grant end duty with W.U. cadets at summer camp -- Easter concert will be given on April 27 at Fairmount Church -- W.U. instructor to head state league -- Dr. Hekhuis to speak -- Kansas takes large share of honors at Pi Kappa convention -- Pearl Emery passes exams for Master's -- Alumni of Phi Beta Kappa to organize chapter here -- Student Day to be April 23 -- Fine Arts School to give programs -- Orlin resigns at Washburn College -- Mr. Overend to speak -- Revised constitution is published in paper by Council's order -- Council honors V. Pitts -- Dr. Ayers to appear in suit over patent -- Colby delegates here by grace of spelling bee -- Glider Club resumes work on new plane -- Need for swimming tank at Wichita U.? -- Tea plays a part in Lenten affairs -- Several on faculty have taught school in other countries -- Campus society: Sorority hostess at formal dance in Crestview Club; Announce betrothal of former W.U. co-ed; A.A.U.W. honors W.U. senior girls with tea; Beta Nu honors Miss Kersting with reception; Rome has new brand of jewel robberies; Rumanian Ministry bans face powder -- Clubs, et. al: Bride-elect is honoree at two informal showers; Turkey is on her way to bankruptcy; "Devil" himself tries to collect; Gives reasons why opposites attract; Largest sphere of crystal to museum
Photograph(s): John Cowly. p. 1 -- Veryl Pitts, University of Wichita representative, who won first place in the men's division of the national Pi Kappa Delta oratorical contests at the Hotel Broadview. p. 1 -- Miss Geraldine Hite. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.22 no.24
PubMed ID