The Sunflower, v.70, no.35 (December 17, 1965)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.70 no.35. Wichita, Kansas, December 17, 1965. - 10 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Deadline Jan. 7: Three positions open for Sunflower staff -- SGA challenges ticket reduction / Bill Rapps -- At formal dinner: Crest given to actives by Arnold Air Pledges -- Dialogue for Christmas -- Political science professor due to speak Jan. 4 -- Society, Shocker style / Judy Fairhurst -- KMUW to broadcast play by student Christmas Eve -- 37 Korean orphans scheduled for yule concert in Fieldhouse -- Rifle range, paper share home / Weston Cox -- Reserve training program offers short active duty -- Job opportunities dim for graduates in Kansas -- Kansas firms recruit for 'brain exchange' -- Kansas unaware of advantages in home state -- Grads given chance for available jobs -- College grads needed for top Wichita jobs -- Missouri Valley teams split games / Bob Greene -- MSU seeks admission to MVC League -- Shockers take on Texas Tech; Raiders possess height, speed / Bruce Erickson -- Athletic Dept. given thanks for sponsoring track event -- WSU replaces S. Carolina on AP poll / Ben Olan
Photograph(s): Pledge gift: Arnold Air Society pledges presented to the actives chapter of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, an embroidered crest at the annual dining-in held recently. L. to R. are Cadet Maj. Kirk Turner, Arnold Air Society Commander; Jean Daundurand, creator of the crest; and Cadet Sgt. Michael Daimdurand, pledge class president. p. 1 -- Where are their jobs?: As graduates of Kansas colleges and universities leave the state for more attractive employment offers, Kansas industries are becoming increasingly concerned with holding onto these talented workers. p. 6 -- Plans job interview: Don Jordan of the WSU Placement Office, is in charge of scheduling interviews with talent seeking companies for job hunting seniors and graduates. p. 7 -- Big Kansas employer: While local industries are often noted for their spasmodic hiring practices, power plants, such as KG&E of Wichita continue to be attractions for college graduates. p. 7 -- Up and in: Warren Armstrong, the Shockers 6-foot-2 sophomore All-American candidate, goes in for an easy shot against the Colorado Buffaloes. Cincinnati of the Missouri Valley defeated Colorado Tuesday night, 67-64, It was Cincy's fourth consecutive victory. p. 9 -- Ballet and a basket: Jamie Thompson goes up for a basket and Karl Talt (14) goes up with him. The scene was part of the Shockers edging of Colorado last week. p. 10
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.70 no.35
PubMed ID