The Sunflower, v.52, no.15 (January 16, 1947)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Whan, Forest Livings, 1905- , Theta Chi
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.52, no.15, Wichita, Kansas, January 16, 1947. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Annual dance being planned: Festive plans set date for January 28 -- Election to be held for women's Student Council representatives Friday -- Greenbank new editor -- Modern dance group to give performance -- New combo on campus -- Theta Chi becomes only national frat on campus -- W.U. backs polio drive -- Enough books this semester says head -- Veterans' news / Dean Campbell -- Grad gossip / Mickey McCoy -- Typed on a Wednesday / William Fein -- New choral class given -- Pilots to get flight time -- Scholarship to be given -- People like parking meter, so survey by students proves -- Robert Wolf to give twirling instruction with marching band -- Kelly will direct art organization -- Ellis Arnall is speaker -- Roundabout the campus -- Graduate studies at W.U. in 19th year; established in 1928 -- 'Haul Your Man' hop is reversal of date procedure -- National music group honors Orien Dalley -- Pan Hellenic elects head -- Frat rules announced -- Dr. Whan appointed to research group -- Greeks elect new officers for second semester term -- Music recital is Friday -- Home nursing class offered next term -- Shockers seek upset over tall Aggies -- Cagers lose three games -- Matmen drop two matches -- Three games on tap tonight in gym -- Four games carded during term recess -- Bud Weaver has dead eye on free throws to lead scoring / Bill Mendell -- Binford goes to hospital
Photograph(s): Kay Brown; Beverly Butcher; Barbara Mitchell; Jean Gay; Karen Van Brimmer; Donna Baillie. p. 1
Article(s): Annual dance being planned: Festive plans set date for January 28 -- Election to be held for women's Student Council representatives Friday -- Greenbank new editor -- Modern dance group to give performance -- New combo on campus -- Theta Chi becomes only national frat on campus -- W.U. backs polio drive -- Enough books this semester says head -- Veterans' news / Dean Campbell -- Grad gossip / Mickey McCoy -- Typed on a Wednesday / William Fein -- New choral class given -- Pilots to get flight time -- Scholarship to be given -- People like parking meter, so survey by students proves -- Robert Wolf to give twirling instruction with marching band -- Kelly will direct art organization -- Ellis Arnall is speaker -- Roundabout the campus -- Graduate studies at W.U. in 19th year; established in 1928 -- 'Haul Your Man' hop is reversal of date procedure -- National music group honors Orien Dalley -- Pan Hellenic elects head -- Frat rules announced -- Dr. Whan appointed to research group -- Greeks elect new officers for second semester term -- Music recital is Friday -- Home nursing class offered next term -- Shockers seek upset over tall Aggies -- Cagers lose three games -- Matmen drop two matches -- Three games on tap tonight in gym -- Four games carded during term recess -- Bud Weaver has dead eye on free throws to lead scoring / Bill Mendell -- Binford goes to hospital
Photograph(s): Kay Brown; Beverly Butcher; Barbara Mitchell; Jean Gay; Karen Van Brimmer; Donna Baillie. p. 1
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.52 no.15
v.52 no.15