The Sunflower, v.73, no.17 (November 15, 1968)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Ablah Library
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.73 no.17. Wichita, Kansas, November 15, 1968. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Left seeks revolt, not reform says 'defender of free society’ / Elaine Records -- 'Human element’ in Biafran crisis gets attention of WSU students / Kathy Endorf -- Pros, cons of ROTC discussed by panel -- Debate over fund allocations sparks Tuesday SGA meeting -- Homecoming '68 pace increases -- Hutchinson man will discuss his 'space friends' Monday -- Concert by ’New Folk’ singers scheduled for Tuesday in Wilner -- Ablah 'flop' turns to success; Library needs opened to public / Bob Jordan -- Philosophy speaker discusses personal identity problems -- Anthro Department hosts conference featuring papers -- Colorado students canned in revolt against Dow Co. -- Circuit blow-up burns freshman -- Most employers attracted by WSU accounting majors -- Lots of pot grown in Sunflower State -- Chem prof to discuss molecules -- Strained relations -- Profs don't scorn undergrads -- 'Racists in all colors,’ says reader -- National Science Foundation to pick program candidates -- Wichita Foundation presents $1000 gift for Upward Bound -- Rings, things and things: Homecoming, Christmas ahead -- Libraries' delivery service will provide free exchange -- Shockers could help or hinder MVC title chances of Tigers / Paul Mobiley -- 'Big E' giving Rockets' fans something to cheer about -- Area's top runners here for Federation -- Iowa AD Evashevski kicks-off community campaign for stadium -- Field Hockey Day to test skills of WSU women on Saturday
Photograph(s): Sickness of sixties: Gordon Hall discussed extremism of political fringe movements, Thursday night, in the CAC Theatre. p. 1 -- Hungry and helpless: A youngster, emaciated by hunger, is cared for by Sitter Helen King at a hospital in Emekuku, Blafra. By conservative on-the-scene estimates at least one million Biafrans have died of starvation in the past four months, says the Rev. Dormet Doran, a Catholic missionary and coordinator of relief flights. p 1 -- Folk rock: The singing group known as the "New Folk," which works with the Campus Crusade For Christ, will appear at WSU Tuesday, at 8 p.m. in Wilner Auditorium. p. 3 -- Campaign launched: Iowa Athletic Director Forest Evashevski was the keynote speaker Thursday night as two-phase $1 million stadium expansion campaign get underway with a banquet. p. 12
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.73 no.17
PubMed ID