The Sunflower, v.70, no.44 (February 14, 1966)

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Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Avery, William, 1911-2009 , Ginsberg, Allen, 1926-1997
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.70 no.44. Wichita, Kansas, February 14, 1966. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Poet Allen Ginsberg slated to speak for Dialectica -- Egghead Week opens on campus Feb. 21 -- Poly Sci guest speaks today -- Arts festival to host prize-winning composer -- SGA positions open; Deadline set Feb. 22 -- Meeting In Wilner for Hippodrome slated Wednesday -- Pat Cunningham to talk to YWCA on Y-Teens -- Campus radio station operated by students, seeks new employees -- Educator claims fraternity system provides ideal student organization -- Student's letter insists Army life not too bad -- Universities experiment in educational radio -- Selective service's Hershey not disturbed by anti-draft -- Patchwork planning -- Young GOP receives big thrill as WSU campus chairman for Avery -- Mortar Board tradition dates back to early 1920's -- Rhatigan raps drivers -- Students agree 7:30 a.m. 'Okay when others have the classes' / Judy Fairhurst -- Tri Deltas offer awards -- AEC slates interviews this week -- Bond replaces 'Pepsi Generation', 007 sweatshirts, revolvers reign / Associated Collegiate Press -- NASA to sponsor research for college science teachers -- Williams scores 36 points to pace frosh over Garden City, 96-71 -- Three meets remain on WSU gymnastic team's schedule -- Shocks whip Louisville, 102-87
Photograph(s): Beat poet: Allen Ginsberg, poet laureate of the "beat generation" contemplates during a Wichita interview. Ginsberg is scheduled to speak on the WSU campus Feb. 21. p. 1 -- [Ross Lee] Finney. p. 1 -- Women broadcasters: Judy Enos sits at the Console board at student radio station KMUW-FM. She is one of several coeds who have jobs at the station.
Errata: This v.70 issue mistakenly numbered v.80.
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.70 no.44
PubMed ID