2017-11-27 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of November 27, 2017. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2017-2018, v.31
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report): KBOR meeting and visit to campus (November 15) -- (Committee reports): Undergraduate Research Committee / John Hammond -- Library Committee / Keith Gray -- Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee / Michael Imhof -- Rules Committee / Betty Smith-Campbell -- Faculty Compensation Committee / Carolyn Shaw, Jodie Hertzog, and Gery Markova -- (New business): Accessiblity Committee / Molly Gordon -- (Old business): Non-tenure track promotion policy (2nd reading) -- Coaching and Corrective Action revisions
Attachments: Committee Updates -- Report / Faculty Compensation Committee -- 2nd Reading : Promotion for Non-Tenure track faculty policy: Summary Comparisons of the promotion policies for Tenure track and Non-Tenure track Faculty; FAQ’s Regarding Proposal for Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty; Full Policy Text -- Coaching and Corrective Action - revisions
Minutes: (Summary of action): Approved appointments of Patricia Dooley to Admissions and Acceptance Committee member from Social Science and Li Yao as Senate member from Natural Sciences -- Endorsed the “Non-Tenure Track Promotion Policy” as previously amended -- Voted not to endorse “Corrective Action Policy” -- (President's report): Review of the Senate Executive Committee’s interactions with visiting KBOR members from prior week -- Senate reminded of the upcoming meeting dates of December 11 and January 22 -- Accessibility training materials -- (Committee reports): i. Undergraduate Research Committee / John Hammond --ii. Library Committee / Keith Gray -- iii. Scholarship and Financial Aid committee / Michael Imhof -- iv. Rules Committee nominations and recommended changes / Betty Smith Campbell -- v. Admissions and Exceptions Committee / Rachel Crane -- vii. Court of Appeals / Kirsten Johnson -- viii. General Education Committee / Kathy Delker -- vi. Ad Hoc committee reports: Academic Honesty Committee / Dennis Livesay -- Timekeeping Committee / Janice Ewing (faculty rep) -- SPTE Committee / Bayram Yildirim -- Faculty Compensation Committee / Carolyn Shaw, Jodie Hertzog, and Gery Markova (faculty reps) -- (New business): Accessibility Committee / Molly Gordon -- (Old business): i. Non-tenure track promotion policy (2nd reading) -- ii. Coaching and Corrective Action: USS and UP Senate have approved these policies -- iii. Investigative Leave and Separation of Employment: Faculty have been removed from the scope -- iv. Social media: New policy will apply to non-faculty and previous version of 3.48 will apply to faculty
Attachments: Committee Updates -- Report / Faculty Compensation Committee -- 2nd Reading : Promotion for Non-Tenure track faculty policy: Summary Comparisons of the promotion policies for Tenure track and Non-Tenure track Faculty; FAQ’s Regarding Proposal for Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty; Full Policy Text -- Coaching and Corrective Action - revisions
Minutes: (Summary of action): Approved appointments of Patricia Dooley to Admissions and Acceptance Committee member from Social Science and Li Yao as Senate member from Natural Sciences -- Endorsed the “Non-Tenure Track Promotion Policy” as previously amended -- Voted not to endorse “Corrective Action Policy” -- (President's report): Review of the Senate Executive Committee’s interactions with visiting KBOR members from prior week -- Senate reminded of the upcoming meeting dates of December 11 and January 22 -- Accessibility training materials -- (Committee reports): i. Undergraduate Research Committee / John Hammond --ii. Library Committee / Keith Gray -- iii. Scholarship and Financial Aid committee / Michael Imhof -- iv. Rules Committee nominations and recommended changes / Betty Smith Campbell -- v. Admissions and Exceptions Committee / Rachel Crane -- vii. Court of Appeals / Kirsten Johnson -- viii. General Education Committee / Kathy Delker -- vi. Ad Hoc committee reports: Academic Honesty Committee / Dennis Livesay -- Timekeeping Committee / Janice Ewing (faculty rep) -- SPTE Committee / Bayram Yildirim -- Faculty Compensation Committee / Carolyn Shaw, Jodie Hertzog, and Gery Markova (faculty reps) -- (New business): Accessibility Committee / Molly Gordon -- (Old business): i. Non-tenure track promotion policy (2nd reading) -- ii. Coaching and Corrective Action: USS and UP Senate have approved these policies -- iii. Investigative Leave and Separation of Employment: Faculty have been removed from the scope -- iv. Social media: New policy will apply to non-faculty and previous version of 3.48 will apply to faculty
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives