The Sunflower, v.39, no.19 (February 7, 1934)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Hell Week , Honor Five
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.39, no.19, Wichita, Kansas, February 7, 1934. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Co-eds advertise for prom escorts -- Council to hold voting next Friday -- Prospects for outstanding Parnassus become brighter as leaders furnish support -- Rifle squad training for Kemper meet -- New plane designed to fold its wings -- Musicians to give concert in Wellington -- Omnibus staff to have high academic rank -- Few students dropped from aid register -- Enrollments nearly complete with 984 total -- Michigan man has $7500 laugh on his neighbors -- Wilner selects substitute play -- Automobile 'extras' become essentials on new models -- Few students advocate war -- Inventions may end newspapers -- Mule drawn Shocker school replaced by street car -- Play hour to be next week -- Campusology -- To reorganize constitution of Honor Five -- Little America Aviation and Exploration Club With Byrd at the South Pole / C. A. Abele, Jr. -- Home sections of newspapers attract women -- The past week / Bob Clark -- W.U. Girls Rifle Team deserves your support -- Uday Shan-Kar merits praise over country -- Foreign born men in U. S. Congress -- Working students make best grades -- 23 freshmen to take advanced composition -- Major Price speaks to Reserve Officers class -- University students attend music party -- Turn back the clock, how would you live your life? -- Old Erin has a Dorothy Dix -- University bulletin -- Challenges idea of U. education -- University has student from New England -- Einstein gives humor magazine first speech -- Harvard geometry prof has only one student -- Miss Jacqueline Oliver will wed Charles Theis March 11 -- Social calender -- Benefit bridge sponsored by Mothers' Club -- Reception for fathers given by Zeta Delts -- Clubs -- Talbott named as head of Colophon -- Honor Miss Reed at Omnibus party -- Sorosis gives slumber party -- Dr. Lloyd McKinley honored at dinner -- Harader-Reed nuptials will be an event of next Sunday -- Fraternities -- Texas boasts of one for Ripley -- Honors play cast at waffle supper -- Jane Evans speaks to Matrix members -- Delta Omega dance is feature of social calendar -- Phi Sigs open rush season at luncheon -- Women's Rifle Team gives benefit bridge -- George Theis, Emma Davis united in marriage Sunday -- 'Hell Week' brings memories of 'The good old Days' to alumni -- Roundabout -- Sororities -- Streamline features are used in new hairdresses -- Rummage sale given by Girls Rifle Team -- "Just a bum from Paris" models Kleinheim lions -- Students appear in bridal review -- Zeta Delts honor pledges at stag -- Training for marriage prevents many divorces -- Carnegie tech frats survey rushing rules -- Mask making work of art -- Shockers begin spring gridiron practice -- Title must remain here says Gebert -- Women's sport calendar -- Hornets remain undefeated and lead in chase -- Manning to run in AAU tournament -- Lookin' on / Loy Wood -- Managers of basketball announced -- Kansas girls' B.B. teams given O.K. by Miss Hinton -- Emporia center remains at top -- Emporia and Southwestern play tonight -- Women's sports / Pat Gelbach
Photograph(s): John Muir, third mate. p. 2 -- Maid-of-Honor: Miss Francis Laffoon will attend Miss Nellie Mae Reed as maid of honor Sunday at her marriage to Mr. Orlan Harader of Columbus, Ohio. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4 -- Miss Nellie Mae Reed. p. 4 -- Enters tournament: Harold Manning will leave soon for New York City to enter the A.A.U. tournament. / photo courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 6
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.39 no.19
PubMed ID