The Sunflower, 1926-1927, no.29, April 15, 1927
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.21, no.29. Wichita, Kansas, April 15, 1927. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Eight plays to be given by drama class: Miss Boli's groups will present productions under student direction -- Believe it or not cigarettes once inspired escape -- W. University is represented at meet -- Attendants are announced for annual May Day: Two senior girls from each society to attend queen -- Improvement of campus started -- Dr. Branch and Miss Fultz attend meets -- University to be represented at state meet: Arnold McClintock will speals [sic] for W.U. in contest at Winfield -- Student Council elections near: Commendable work completed by this year's Council -- Decalogues for faculty given -- Fern Covert wins name on Rifle Cup: W.A.A. points awarded to girls for rifle and basketball -- "To neck or not to neck" is discussed in University class -- W. University glee clubs to El Dorado -- Junior class to be hosts to school: May Day frolic at Henrion Gymnasium on MAy sixth of thirteenth -- Sorosis luncheon -- Delta Omega -- Alpha Tau Sigma -- Pi Alpha Pi -- Sorosis -- Delta Omega party -- Dinner honored the Finlaysons -- Webster stag -- Alpha Gamma Gamma -- University to be host to high school grads: Tentative date May 13, for Open House on campus -- Gibbie and Ray blaek [sic] eyes and hair - wow! -- "Plus fours" brand dress of University man is latest thing -- Closed membership -- Henry J. Allen is speaker on June 7 -- Red letter day for sophomores; Freshie oversteps traditions -- Actors in "Birth of the Sunflower" are buried under plaster -- Rules for social functions published: Regulations have been approved by committee -- Finlayson and Men's Glee Club in chapel -- Faculty members speak to A.A.U.W.: Association will honor Mrs. Reinhardt on April 20 -- Shockers go to Kansas relays: Shocker track men work in preparation for the relays -- McBurney chosen captain of '28 team: Unanimous decision gives another honor to Shocker center -- Shocker-Quaker meet postponed: Quaker and Shocker trackmen not in condition for meet -- Found, lost, strayed on campus; Owner sought by staff -- Crist deserts "Amie" for the one hoss shay -- Curt college comments
Photograph(s): Frances Henrion, who won second place in the Parnassus Beauty Contest. / photo courtesy of The Wichita Eagle. p. 7
Article(s): Eight plays to be given by drama class: Miss Boli's groups will present productions under student direction -- Believe it or not cigarettes once inspired escape -- W. University is represented at meet -- Attendants are announced for annual May Day: Two senior girls from each society to attend queen -- Improvement of campus started -- Dr. Branch and Miss Fultz attend meets -- University to be represented at state meet: Arnold McClintock will speals [sic] for W.U. in contest at Winfield -- Student Council elections near: Commendable work completed by this year's Council -- Decalogues for faculty given -- Fern Covert wins name on Rifle Cup: W.A.A. points awarded to girls for rifle and basketball -- "To neck or not to neck" is discussed in University class -- W. University glee clubs to El Dorado -- Junior class to be hosts to school: May Day frolic at Henrion Gymnasium on MAy sixth of thirteenth -- Sorosis luncheon -- Delta Omega -- Alpha Tau Sigma -- Pi Alpha Pi -- Sorosis -- Delta Omega party -- Dinner honored the Finlaysons -- Webster stag -- Alpha Gamma Gamma -- University to be host to high school grads: Tentative date May 13, for Open House on campus -- Gibbie and Ray blaek [sic] eyes and hair - wow! -- "Plus fours" brand dress of University man is latest thing -- Closed membership -- Henry J. Allen is speaker on June 7 -- Red letter day for sophomores; Freshie oversteps traditions -- Actors in "Birth of the Sunflower" are buried under plaster -- Rules for social functions published: Regulations have been approved by committee -- Finlayson and Men's Glee Club in chapel -- Faculty members speak to A.A.U.W.: Association will honor Mrs. Reinhardt on April 20 -- Shockers go to Kansas relays: Shocker track men work in preparation for the relays -- McBurney chosen captain of '28 team: Unanimous decision gives another honor to Shocker center -- Shocker-Quaker meet postponed: Quaker and Shocker trackmen not in condition for meet -- Found, lost, strayed on campus; Owner sought by staff -- Crist deserts "Amie" for the one hoss shay -- Curt college comments
Photograph(s): Frances Henrion, who won second place in the Parnassus Beauty Contest. / photo courtesy of The Wichita Eagle. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.21 no.29
v.21 no.29