The Sunflower, v.47, no.14 (December 11, 1941)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Epsilon Kappa Rho
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.47, no.14, Wichita, Kansas, December 11, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): President's message / William M. Jardine -- Faculty, students express confidence in American victory -- Many former university students are stationed in war zone -- Operetta dates are advanced -- Hillbrand plans spring schedule -- Farewell to peace: An editorial -- Fairmount, University of Wichita offer contrast in reception of two American war declarations / Bill Mendell -- Republicans attend state convention -- University campus to be lighted for Christmas season -- Hanson visits teachers -- Debaters to compete with Kansas State -- R.O.T.C. unit status is not yet affected by war declaration -- Men students over 21 report to deans -- Music program will be given at next convo -- Wright teaches evening classes -- I.R.C. to discuss war with Japan -- O'Harra makes Library survey -- Traditional American freedom shown by Rankin's dissenting vote -- Whole-hearted support pledged to national defense by Wichitans -- America with or without the 'juke' box is worth fighting for -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Shocking news -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- Shocker shots / McAuley -- Local bands, radio and records put out much melody / Pete Armstrong -- Boy Scouts hold Commons meeting -- Alumni respond to membership drive -- Former W.U. students announce their engagements and weddings open the winter social season -- Roundabout the campus / Cattie Hattie -- Society lists members -- I.S.A. girls plan tea for faculty -- French Club plans Christmas progam -- Catholics plan chili feed Sunday -- Epsilon Kappa Rho plans faculty tea -- Nock translates play for W.U. Dames -- Moon visits 'Y' groups on campus -- Freshman plan Y.W.C.A. meeting -- Faculty women hold annual party -- Epsilon Kappa Rho group is youngest sorority on campus -- Basketball team to open '41 season against Springfield -- Rambler squad wins intramural football title -- Phi Sigs lead intramural race -- Davis to review book -- Gym shorts / Earline Duke -- Hekhuis will speak -- Frosh scrimmage with cathedral in gym tonight -- Popular team sports named -- Davis, Gebert go to K.C. -- In a Shocker sports corner / Bill Hodge -- Volleyball opens '41 season tonight
Photograph(s): President [William M.] Jardine. p. 1 -- Students listen to war declaration: An auditorium filled to capacity was the scene Monday of a special convocation granted by President W.M. Jardine to allow the student body to hear the message of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the joint session of the Congress of the United States in which he urged a declaration of war on Japan. / photo by Knox. p. 1 -- Charles Morgan: Chemical warfare. p. 1 -- David Conley: Air Corps. p. 1 -- Edmund Jacoby: United States Navy. p. 1 -- Claude Hetrick: Infranty. p. 1 -- Robert Hegler: United States Navy. p. 1 -- [Fred] Higginson. p. 2 -- Lloyd C. Blair. p. 2. -- "Wildflower" cast rehearses: These members of the cast of "Wildflower" have completed their first dress rehearsal and are looking forward to the opening curtain Saturday afternoon in the University Auditorium. p. 3 -- Three returning lettermen: Martin McDonald, Tom Kinkaid, and Maurice Curry. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.47 no.14
PubMed ID