The Sunflower, v.39, no.09 (November 22, 1933)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Football , Central Conference championship , German Society , Staples, Clayton Henri, 1892-1978
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.39, no.9, Wichita, Kansas, November 22, 1933. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Questionnaire proves that freshman read world news -- First play at East High on Nov. 23 -- Women lose famous tradition in test -- Conference title goes to Shockers -- Cambridge team debates at K.U. -- Kappa Rho, Phi Sig in grade lead -- Students sign for Parnassus after recess -- Hearst trophy rifle matches to be fired -- Homecoming is ushered in by Shocker Parade -- War protests mark armistice -- Pair debaters for intramural -- Faculty greets parents Sunday -- Staff members are announced -- Wichita artist appears in appreciation class -- "Shocker Battle Cry" inaugurated -- Circulation plan praised by Hall -- Staples to exhibit paintings in Illinois -- Dean Wilkie attends A.A.U.W. board meeting -- Y.M.,Y.W. groups direct sale of seals -- Former faculty member teaches in Chicago -- First play is Thursday night -- Walter Vincent speaks tonight -- Missionaries to hold meetings -- 1933 Championship is undeniable one -- Roundup ends for rancher -- Students star in comedy romance -- Compulsory class attendance ended -- Peerless Princess of the Plains suffers Broadway growing pains -- They defy death to aid generations yet unborn -- Barn dance on stage is feature at Uptown -- Southwestern charter forbids sale of liquor -- Actor spends one hour overtime in U. theater -- Fire bugs jailed in Washington arson charge -- Library is lonely do student study? -- Geology students to Arbuckle Mts. -- Onion soup is Hollywood fad -- With Byrd at the South Pole -- The past week -- Prisoner doomed to die sits and dreams of soaring in autumn sky -- Millions of birds add to revenue of United States -- Students of journalism are thrifty -- New college is a pioneer -- String trio to play in revue at Newton Theater -- Big men faint at blood test -- Military Ball Friday to be outstanding event of social season -- Honorary colonel to view troops in special formation -- Natalie Ring favored by Alpha Gamma Gamma -- Social calendar -- Dr. Ver Weibe has paper published -- Unemployment plan offered by N.Y.U. -- Fraternities -- Gridionries -- Deutscher Verein, German Club, was founded in 1927 -- Campusology -- Sorosis alumnae sponsors benefit -- Roundabout -- Pi Alpha Pi honors alumni at dinner -- Football men are guests of D.O. -- Jacqueline Lehrling weds John Rosenbaum -- Pre-Christmas "coffee" to be at Hillcrest -- Alpha Gams entertain fathers at open house -- Pi Alpha Pi guests of Alpha Tau Sigma -- Members of Alpha Tau entertained by Websters -- Omega Upsilon members hold initiation service -- Sunflower staff fetes upperclass reporters -- Committee heads named for Omega Upsilon play -- Dope points to Shockers for Turkey Day win over Washburn: Shockers to have margin on Ichabods -- Rifle challenges sent from teams -- Shockers show power to win from Haskell -- Men's sports -- Hays teachers hold Washburn to 0-0 count -- Women's sport calendar -- Websters meet Gamma gridmen -- Women's sports -- Freshmen squad enters big six -- Phi sigs lead in baseball league -- Bethel wins from Shocker "B" team
Photograph(s): Speaks tonight: Walter Vincent, president of the Western Lithograph Company, will speak tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 119 Science Hall before the combined groups of the Business Club, the Political Science Club and the Y.M.C.A. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 2 -- Lecturer: Dr. Herman Chen-en Liu, president of Shanghai University, China, will speak at student convocation next Tuesday, November 28. Dr. Lui has traveled extensively and is the author of a number of books written both in English and Chinese. p. 2 -- George D. Wilner. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 2 -- Colonel to be presented: Miss Frances Templeton, chosen honorary colonel of the R.O.T.C. unit of the University of Wichita, will be formally presented Friday evening at the annual Military Ball given by the organization. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4 -- Receives guests: Major George W. Price, with Mrs. Price, will be in the receiving line at the annual Military Ball Friday night honoring Miss Frances Templeton, honorary colonel of the unit. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4 -- Dinner Chairman: Miss Mildred Hampton, junior, was in charge of the formal initiation dinner for the pledges of Omega Upsilon sorority, national dramatic sorority, which was held last Thursday in the Innes Tea Room. Besides being affiliated with Omega Upsilon, Miss Hampton is also a member of Epsilon Kappa Rho sorority. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 5 -- Plans dinner: Miss Alberta Bainbridge, senior and secretary of the Student Council is on the committee arranging the Kappa Delta Pi, honorary national educational fraternity, dinner at the Commodore Tea Room, for Saturday. Miss Bainbridge who is secretary of the University chapter of Kappa Delta Pi fraternity is also a member of Alpha Tau Sigma sorority. p. 5 -- Successful: Coach M. Gebert whose Shocker eleven placed its way again this year into their second conservative Central Conference championship. p. 6 -- Able Shocker linesmen to buck Washburn: Dye, Beeman, Grubb, and Dugan, a tough quartet that the Ichabods should watch. Dugan, giant center and Beeman, end, mentioned for all-conference berths, Grubb, end, played brilliantly against Haskell on defense. Abe Dye, co-captain and end has been a consistently dependable player throughout the season. p. 6
Article(s): Questionnaire proves that freshman read world news -- First play at East High on Nov. 23 -- Women lose famous tradition in test -- Conference title goes to Shockers -- Cambridge team debates at K.U. -- Kappa Rho, Phi Sig in grade lead -- Students sign for Parnassus after recess -- Hearst trophy rifle matches to be fired -- Homecoming is ushered in by Shocker Parade -- War protests mark armistice -- Pair debaters for intramural -- Faculty greets parents Sunday -- Staff members are announced -- Wichita artist appears in appreciation class -- "Shocker Battle Cry" inaugurated -- Circulation plan praised by Hall -- Staples to exhibit paintings in Illinois -- Dean Wilkie attends A.A.U.W. board meeting -- Y.M.,Y.W. groups direct sale of seals -- Former faculty member teaches in Chicago -- First play is Thursday night -- Walter Vincent speaks tonight -- Missionaries to hold meetings -- 1933 Championship is undeniable one -- Roundup ends for rancher -- Students star in comedy romance -- Compulsory class attendance ended -- Peerless Princess of the Plains suffers Broadway growing pains -- They defy death to aid generations yet unborn -- Barn dance on stage is feature at Uptown -- Southwestern charter forbids sale of liquor -- Actor spends one hour overtime in U. theater -- Fire bugs jailed in Washington arson charge -- Library is lonely do student study? -- Geology students to Arbuckle Mts. -- Onion soup is Hollywood fad -- With Byrd at the South Pole -- The past week -- Prisoner doomed to die sits and dreams of soaring in autumn sky -- Millions of birds add to revenue of United States -- Students of journalism are thrifty -- New college is a pioneer -- String trio to play in revue at Newton Theater -- Big men faint at blood test -- Military Ball Friday to be outstanding event of social season -- Honorary colonel to view troops in special formation -- Natalie Ring favored by Alpha Gamma Gamma -- Social calendar -- Dr. Ver Weibe has paper published -- Unemployment plan offered by N.Y.U. -- Fraternities -- Gridionries -- Deutscher Verein, German Club, was founded in 1927 -- Campusology -- Sorosis alumnae sponsors benefit -- Roundabout -- Pi Alpha Pi honors alumni at dinner -- Football men are guests of D.O. -- Jacqueline Lehrling weds John Rosenbaum -- Pre-Christmas "coffee" to be at Hillcrest -- Alpha Gams entertain fathers at open house -- Pi Alpha Pi guests of Alpha Tau Sigma -- Members of Alpha Tau entertained by Websters -- Omega Upsilon members hold initiation service -- Sunflower staff fetes upperclass reporters -- Committee heads named for Omega Upsilon play -- Dope points to Shockers for Turkey Day win over Washburn: Shockers to have margin on Ichabods -- Rifle challenges sent from teams -- Shockers show power to win from Haskell -- Men's sports -- Hays teachers hold Washburn to 0-0 count -- Women's sport calendar -- Websters meet Gamma gridmen -- Women's sports -- Freshmen squad enters big six -- Phi sigs lead in baseball league -- Bethel wins from Shocker "B" team
Photograph(s): Speaks tonight: Walter Vincent, president of the Western Lithograph Company, will speak tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 119 Science Hall before the combined groups of the Business Club, the Political Science Club and the Y.M.C.A. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 2 -- Lecturer: Dr. Herman Chen-en Liu, president of Shanghai University, China, will speak at student convocation next Tuesday, November 28. Dr. Lui has traveled extensively and is the author of a number of books written both in English and Chinese. p. 2 -- George D. Wilner. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 2 -- Colonel to be presented: Miss Frances Templeton, chosen honorary colonel of the R.O.T.C. unit of the University of Wichita, will be formally presented Friday evening at the annual Military Ball given by the organization. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4 -- Receives guests: Major George W. Price, with Mrs. Price, will be in the receiving line at the annual Military Ball Friday night honoring Miss Frances Templeton, honorary colonel of the unit. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4 -- Dinner Chairman: Miss Mildred Hampton, junior, was in charge of the formal initiation dinner for the pledges of Omega Upsilon sorority, national dramatic sorority, which was held last Thursday in the Innes Tea Room. Besides being affiliated with Omega Upsilon, Miss Hampton is also a member of Epsilon Kappa Rho sorority. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 5 -- Plans dinner: Miss Alberta Bainbridge, senior and secretary of the Student Council is on the committee arranging the Kappa Delta Pi, honorary national educational fraternity, dinner at the Commodore Tea Room, for Saturday. Miss Bainbridge who is secretary of the University chapter of Kappa Delta Pi fraternity is also a member of Alpha Tau Sigma sorority. p. 5 -- Successful: Coach M. Gebert whose Shocker eleven placed its way again this year into their second conservative Central Conference championship. p. 6 -- Able Shocker linesmen to buck Washburn: Dye, Beeman, Grubb, and Dugan, a tough quartet that the Ichabods should watch. Dugan, giant center and Beeman, end, mentioned for all-conference berths, Grubb, end, played brilliantly against Haskell on defense. Abe Dye, co-captain and end has been a consistently dependable player throughout the season. p. 6
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.39 no.9
v.39 no.9