The Sunflower, v.45, no.15 (December 21, 1939)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.45, no.15, Wichita, Kansas, December 21, 1939. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Best wishes for your happy Christmas vacation. The Sunflower, your University informant, will discontinue publication until the week of Jan. 8.
Notices for publication in the University Bulletin must be in the hands of the editors by 3 p.m. on the day before the paper is issued.
Article(s): Alpha Gam, Sorosis win pix contest -- 'Y' leaders to present convocation -- Students, faculty take advantage of holidays -- University withdraws from C.I.C. -- Journalist to address W.U. forum -- Denison will go to Minneapolis for discussions -- President says dismissal to be fate of vandals -- C.A.A. conducts new experiment in flying course / I.P. -- Profs to spend vacations going to conventions -- Grant aids Lane to do research --W.U. dramatists present comedy / Virginia Russell -- Texas debaters meet W.U. team -- Faculty-student ratio decreases -- Three to attend speech meetings -- Council to bring 'name band' here -- Wichita student to paint murals -- Kans continues faculty talks -- Textbook theory put in practice -- Staples will spend vacation in hospital -- Fine art students to present program -- Holiday schedule made for library -- Nelson accepts position in Oslo -- Peace on Earth? -- Clemens was not first with name 'Mark Twain' -- European Union -- Time for pay-off -- Barbs to climax social activities at formal dance -- Drama sorority completes plans of formal dance -- Council will hold Christmas dinner -- Gottschalk to spend Christmas in Dayton -- Speech students will attend party -- High tea is given by women's group -- University students instruct St. Nick what not to leave in 1939 stockings -- Social dancing class plans informal dance -- Students have reunion -- W.U. plays first home cage game -- Basketball team leaves Colorado for games here -- Snodgrass wins ping-pong match -- Marr may schedule indoor track meets -- Rifle matches set for women -- Ramblers down faculty champs to win tourney -- Tennessee goes west
Photograph(s): Attends convention: Ross Denison, president of the Student Council, will leave Christmas Day to attend the annual congress of the National Student Federation of America held in Minneapolis, Minn., from Dec. 27-31. p. 1 -- Forum speaker: International commentator H. R. Knickerbocker will be on the Student Forum program the first Monday following the Christmas vacation. p. 1 -- Good old summertime makes December encore before winter sets in for earnest: Short days ago the Shockers basked in the sun and enjoyed springtime pleasures when they ordinarily would be drawing coat collars close and peering through a fog of breath moisture. These photographs turned into the 1940 Parnassus' mid-winter contest show typical campus scenes as the weatherman relented with warm weather and bright days. p. 1
Best wishes for your happy Christmas vacation. The Sunflower, your University informant, will discontinue publication until the week of Jan. 8.
Notices for publication in the University Bulletin must be in the hands of the editors by 3 p.m. on the day before the paper is issued.
Article(s): Alpha Gam, Sorosis win pix contest -- 'Y' leaders to present convocation -- Students, faculty take advantage of holidays -- University withdraws from C.I.C. -- Journalist to address W.U. forum -- Denison will go to Minneapolis for discussions -- President says dismissal to be fate of vandals -- C.A.A. conducts new experiment in flying course / I.P. -- Profs to spend vacations going to conventions -- Grant aids Lane to do research --W.U. dramatists present comedy / Virginia Russell -- Texas debaters meet W.U. team -- Faculty-student ratio decreases -- Three to attend speech meetings -- Council to bring 'name band' here -- Wichita student to paint murals -- Kans continues faculty talks -- Textbook theory put in practice -- Staples will spend vacation in hospital -- Fine art students to present program -- Holiday schedule made for library -- Nelson accepts position in Oslo -- Peace on Earth? -- Clemens was not first with name 'Mark Twain' -- European Union -- Time for pay-off -- Barbs to climax social activities at formal dance -- Drama sorority completes plans of formal dance -- Council will hold Christmas dinner -- Gottschalk to spend Christmas in Dayton -- Speech students will attend party -- High tea is given by women's group -- University students instruct St. Nick what not to leave in 1939 stockings -- Social dancing class plans informal dance -- Students have reunion -- W.U. plays first home cage game -- Basketball team leaves Colorado for games here -- Snodgrass wins ping-pong match -- Marr may schedule indoor track meets -- Rifle matches set for women -- Ramblers down faculty champs to win tourney -- Tennessee goes west
Photograph(s): Attends convention: Ross Denison, president of the Student Council, will leave Christmas Day to attend the annual congress of the National Student Federation of America held in Minneapolis, Minn., from Dec. 27-31. p. 1 -- Forum speaker: International commentator H. R. Knickerbocker will be on the Student Forum program the first Monday following the Christmas vacation. p. 1 -- Good old summertime makes December encore before winter sets in for earnest: Short days ago the Shockers basked in the sun and enjoyed springtime pleasures when they ordinarily would be drawing coat collars close and peering through a fog of breath moisture. These photographs turned into the 1940 Parnassus' mid-winter contest show typical campus scenes as the weatherman relented with warm weather and bright days. p. 1
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.45 no.15
v.45 no.15