Catholic imagery in the poetry of Francis Thompson
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In this study an attempt will be made to explain allusions drawn from Catholic sources; to clarify the underlying thought implied in the imagery; furthermore, to illustrate the qualifying effect ot this imagery upon Thompson's poetry; but above all to make it possible tor those who do not possess a specialized knowledge of the Catholic content of hia writings to understand, appreciate, and enjoy the combination ot insensuous passion and spiritual fervor, courtly love and saintly reverence, ecclesiastical pageantry and liturgical splendor with which Francis Thompson invests his poetry. The particular images selected tor interpretation will be relegated to distinctive groups and a chapter devoted to the discussion of each. Citations from various poems will be noted to illustrate the figurative allusions; in each instanco the source of the adaptation will be suggested and when necessary, an explanation of the meaning attached by the poet will be offered. A general resume at the close of each chapter will serve to clinoh the points considered and to evaluate the effect ot the imagery employed.