The Sunflower, v.56, no.22 (March 20, 1952)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.22, Wichita, Kansas, March 20, 1952. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): 'East Lynne' opens tonight: Play to start 3-night stand in Auditorium -- Religious convo planned Tuesday -- Secretaries plan workshop at WU -- Basom, Mercer, Rorabaugh, Clancy, 'Press Girl' finalists -- Opera theatre show scheduled -- Senior meeting is Friday noon -- Queen petitions are due April 9 -- Campus women enter contest -- Editorial page gets 'new look' -- Women's Honor Group to host sixty-six sophomore women at scholarship tea -- AWS to honor BWOC March 27 -- Faculty's column -- Italian language course started -- 3 groups elect pledge officers -- Trees planted on WU campus -- KMUW jobs open, says station head -- That way -- Club corner: YWCA officers to be elected next Tuesday -- Cadets will meet Honorary Colonel candidates today -- 'Cover Girl' to be theme of Pi Kappa Psi pledge dance in Alibi Room Saturday night -- Plan square dance for D.O. pledges -- Gammas to hold annual festivity honoring pledges -- WU band sorority elects officers -- Politically speaking -- Administration says 'no' -- Travel, Study, Inc. sponsors European trips for students -- Exchange department -- The Barber shop / Bob Barber -- Cliff's column / Cliff Kraus -- Students' cheating devices range from sox to cuffs -- Casting begins for 'Detective Story,' next University Theatre production -- Corbin to attend college services -- Music, Chaucer, topics of new KMUW shows -- Artist needed by Parnassus -- Gerling granted temporary leave -- Phi Sigma Alpha to initiate six -- 35 thinclads out for spring track practice -- Pi Kap trounces D.O. six, 46-12 -- Women's gym gems -- WU nine boasts four lettermen -- Intra-squad football tilt set: Black vs. Gold in initial clash -- Six teams bowl wins in tourney -- Golfers to vie for team posts -- 2 ROTC cadets will tour point -- WU participates in HS programs -- A.Z. Groundhog gives cold facts of local weather / Dave Wilkinson -- WU graduate given college post in Ohio -- AFROTC plans new command -- Faculty men plan special fun night -- College of Education plans conference here March 29
Photograph(s): Leave you cad!!: Miss Cornelia Carlyle, played by Mary Jabara, bids the villain, Francis Levison, played by Bob Barber, to leave her home. Lending moral support are Archibald Carlyle, played by Ronald Weidman, and Lord Mount Severn, played by Gene Herriott. This scene is from "East Lynne" which will be shown tonight, Friday, and Saturday evenings. p. 1 -- Press Queen finalists: Pat Basom, Ruth Mercer, Jeanne Clancy, and Peggy Su Rorabaugh. p. 1 -- The knot is tied: A quick painless marriage was one of the services offered at the "Risque Fisque Fair" last Friday night. Shown here are "Mr. and Mrs." Joe McIntyre, she was the former Pat Yadon. The mock wedding took place in Fiske Hall during the fair, sponsored by Mu Phi Epsilon, women's honorary music sorority. Floor shows by students and faculty highlighted the annual fair. Two unnamed persons are pictured performing service. p. 3 -- Shown in action during gridiron practice are (left to right) Dick Coleman, Dick Sanders, Kenny Lawson, Eli Romero, and Bob Burton. p. 7 -- Photo of backfield practice: (Left to right) Larry Slajchert, Gene Kuhns, Ray Coleman, Allen Taylor, and Benny Lee. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.22
PubMed ID