Sustainable Assessment: Using Google Forms for Library Instruction
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Instruction librarians, especially in the social sciences, are often called upon to teach research sessions to large groups of students. Planning what to teach in these sessions can be overwhelming, but designing a method of assessing student learning over multiple class sections can feel next to impossible.
This poster will illustrate how Google Forms can be utilized in library instruction as an effective tool for engaging students and assessing learning in an efficient and sustainable manner. The presenters will share an assessment instrument developed at their institution, along with two semesters worth of data to demonstrate how Google Forms can provide instruction librarians with a time saving, versatile and sustainable tool that combines ease of result analysis with a high level of student accessibility. The presentation will also cover benefits and concerns regarding this online tool, and touch on best practices for using Google Forms for student assessment. The poster will include screenshot examples of an online form used for assessment, and the spreadsheet results it generates. The poster will also include a series of graphs generated from the results to illustrate the ease and quality of data analysis available with this tool. Finally, the presenters will utilize tablet computers to demonstrate the form in action.