The Sunflower, v.46, no.34 (May 15, 1941)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.34, Wichita, Kansas, May 15, 1941. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Conscription may affect enrollment -- Biologists find strange deposit -- [Ineligible] relics shown in library display -- Professors receive many sample books -- Clock's pendulum must be heated for right time -- Tie in election calls for new ballot in fall -- Syphillis exams still available -- Coeds asked to aid in making dresses -- Lewis writes article -- Sunflower is rated as 'excellent' -- Bureau places cadet teachers -- New C.A.A. courses offered in summer -- Cimarron graduate given scholarship -- Sunflower gains 1,500 new readers -- Y.M. delegates to go to Estes -- Spring final examinations scheduled for May 23-29 -- Jones, McVey in editorial posts for next term -- Odd pipe exhibit may discourage amateur addicts -- Summer school to open usual sessions June 9 -- Oberg students to play Monday -- Holness to give recital -- Zandler chosen next president of Independents -- New 'Who's Who' lists Shockers -- Library adds works on current affairs -- Jardine to be referee -- R.O.T.C. unit holds drill competition -- Famous biographies now in verse form -- Students may have summer camp work -- Facing the issue -- Univesity bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Typed on a Wednesday: Bookworms clamor for another Woollcott reader / Fred Higginson -- Cheney to hold exercises for 17 -- Grad gossip: class of 1931 makes big banquet plans -- Bentley honors twelve seniors -- Commencement for North High will be May 29 -- Students of many schools visit here -- Teacher advises more dates for college students -- St. Johns will give 22 diplomas -- Scout board to meet -- East High plans commencement for 733 seniors -- Klug will speak to Andale grads -- Setzer, Myers, Weaver, represent W.U. on radio -- Derby exercises come on May 21 -- Mount Hope has fifteen seniors -- Hunter to speak to Viola seniors -- Cathedral High to graduate 79 -- Clearwater High to graduate 25 -- Goddard has six in senior class -- Mount Carmel to graduate 25 -- Alpha Tau Sigma completes plans for dinner dance -- Pi Kap girls honor fathers at party -- Roundabout the campus / Josie College -- Sipple visits cadets -- Alpha Gams plan dance to honor senior members -- League of Voters announces officers -- Education group installs officers -- Junior symphony to give concert -- Sirens cause alarm -- Sponsor to honor journalism group -- Members selected to attend Estes -- Y.M.C.A. delegates to attend camp -- Y.W. tea to honor all senior women -- Chemist to speak here -- Freedom from monotony to be key-note of men's fashions for spring season -- Zoology girls hold dinner for seniors -- I.S.A. group plans installation dinner -- Student council will hold dinner -- Greeks pick new officers to rule during fall term -- Allman baby is winner -- Art club to give dinner to honor group's officers -- Political science group to hold dinner -- Larsen breaks ankle -- State track meet to be held Friday -- Seniors to hear dean -- Inter-class ball stopped by rain -- Trackmen nose out Oklahomans -- Gammas topple mighty Holyoke Hall squad 8-0 -- Gym gems / Frances Blume -- Charley horse chatter / Bill Mandle -- Alpha Gams win intramural golf -- Annual horse show will offer prizes -- Shocker netmen win match over Winfield squad -- Gibson is elected track team head -- Local trackmen lose meet here -- Dean speaks to rotary club
Photograph(s): New editors selected: New editors of the Sunflower and Parnassus for 1941-42 are pictured above. Bob Jones, Alpha Gamma Gamma, will head the Sunflower staff, while Phil McVey, I.S.A., will be editor-in-chief of the 1942 yearbook. Complete new staffs were named at the journalism banquet last week. p. 1 -- I.S.A. president: Clement Zandler, university junior, was elected president of the Independent Students Association at an election held Tuesday evening. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Higginson. p. 2 -- Frank presents thesis. p. 2 -- Arch E. McVicar, register of deeds. p. 3 -- Tebow to lecture: Erle T. Tebow, vice-president of the Kansas State Teachers Association, will be a special lecturer in school administration from July 14 to July 25 in the university summer school. p. 3 -- Military head: Bob Allen, member of Alpha Gamma Gamma, who was recently elected captain of Scabbard and Blade for the coming year. p. 4 -- Blume. p. 6
"8 days until final exams, do your cramming now!"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.34
PubMed ID