How to conduct a case study: A guide for novice researchers
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Case study research has been gaining popularity due to its valuable capacity to provide rich, context-specific data as well as understanding of difficult circumstances. This is demonstrated by the fact that it has been utilized more frequently in recent research that has been published. This popularity may be attributed to the fact that case study research is able to deliver rich information about the case of study. This article presents a brief overview of the literature review that was conducted on the qualitative case-study methodology. It might serve as a quick reference tool for novice researchers who are intrigued about pursuing case studies. In this article, a brief historical overview of the evolution of the case study as a significant qualitative approach is demonstrated in connection to the pioneers of this type of research approach, namely Robert Yin, Robert Stake, and Sharan Merriam. The article additionally addresses the significance of the case study. The paper focuses on the types of case studies and basic recommendations that novice researchers may apply to systemically examine the underlying issues, patterns, or dynamics of a particular subject or case using a holistic approach. In light of the fact that case studies usually concentrate on specific instances, the article advises rookie investigators not to generalize the findings of case studies. In this article, numerous characteristics of case studies are examined, with a focus on its use as a separate qualitative inquiry and research approach.
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v.16 no.2