The Sunflower, v.72, no.58 (July 23, 1968)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Taylor, Ross
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.72 no.58. Wichita, Kansas, July 23, 1968. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): 'Witchcraft’ theme of final production -- Continuing Education Orientation encourages women’s active role / Katie Funk Wiebe -- Grants to WSU total $23,726 -- University's space needs determined by measuring / Vicki McKissick -- Light show feature of 'The Early Bird’ / Kathy Hodge -- Theatre review: 'Tobacco Road' mirrors reality / Andy Brown -- Graduate’s visit to Fijis results in life as chieftan’s favored son / Pam Preboth -- Reagan to discuss topics on 'issues and answers' -- Registration set for two student classifications -- WSU’s Kliewer will teach at Dramatics Workshop -- Change in draft -- Reason for recognition -- Television responding to report on riots -- 'Working alliance' formed between Panthers, SNCC -- Supporters of Rocky organized -- Student wage offers below national mean -- College survey shows rise in coeds' sexual activity -- ROTC seen as effective deferment -- Vocational education gets boost from U.S. House -- Concern for America evident on Taylor's trip to England / Paula Simons -- WSU 1969 enrollent to increase -- Original prints on display, for sale, Wed., in CAC -- Kiser's Korner / Mike Kiser -- Five vets in starting positions as cagers eye winning season -- Former Shocker Farr hospitalized
Photograph(s): Funny witchcraft: Olen Earnest (Shep Henderson), left, Nancy Lackey (Gillian Holyrod's aunt) and Allison Smith (Gillian Holyrod) rehearse for production of "Bell, Book, and Candle." p. 1 -- Unique summer job: The task of measuring all hallways, rooms, and offices at WSU for federal records is undertaken by (from left to right) Jan Cribbs, WSU graduate, Dave Burke, EN, Jr. and Pam Teasdale, LA Jr. p. 1 -- New night spot: Feature of The Early Bird, located at 2459 N. Hillside is psychedlic [sic] light show. p. 2 -- WSU anthropology grad Jerry Martin, who spent two-and-one half months on the Fiji Islands last summer, is surrounded by artifacts he brought back from his journey. Martin, who received host master's degree from WSU in June, is serving with the Peace Corps. p. 3 -- Rockefeller supporter: Unidentified student signs petition reading "I want the Republican Party to nominate Rockefeller" at a booth in the CAC. The New York Governor will appear in Wichita, Wednesday afternoon, at the Municipal Airport. p. 5 -- Returned from England: Dr,. Ross M. Taylor did research work in the British Museum on the topic "Anglo-Texas Relations form 1836-1845." p. 7 -- Shocker cage hopes: Chances of a return to winning for WSU basketball rest heavily upon the performances of Ron Washington (44) and Jack Matthews (50). p. 8
"See Editorials, Page 4"
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.72 no.58
PubMed ID