The Sunflower, v.43, no.17 (January 13, 1938)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Mikesell, W. H.
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.43, no.17, Wichita, Kansas, January 13, 1938. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Week-end weather: (Official U.S. Weather Bureau) Temperatures slightly below normal with moderate northerly winds.
Everyone plan to attend the Fort Hays State College-W.U. basketball games here Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. sharp.
Article(s): J. Armour now heads Sunflower -- Army bandsmen assigned chairs for '38 season -- Graham to lecture before local D.A.R. -- Honorary frat will announce choices Jan. 21 -- State newsmen meeting here -- Cribbing makes added precautions necessary -- Publishers take text on hygiene -- Lower textbook price in offing for university -- Credit isn't so hot, so students buy with cash -- Plans are near completion for Wellington lab -- Cooper speaker before oil men -- Hekhis writes for cooperation -- Noted authority speaks on near east difficulty -- Old Mexico is speech subject -- Pote will address scouters at Allis -- Circulation for library books wider -- University has books selected as fit to FDR -- Wall says that business slump may 'recover' soon / Edmond Jacoby -- Candlesticks are placed in lounge -- 'Ten Nights in a Barroom' to be presented next -- Dean Hillbrand to talk for teachers -- Music group elected to high order -- Propaganda is under study of Princeton prof -- Sale of Tom-Tom is above expectations -- Cribbers force officials to adopt strict rules -- Drug peril, marihuana [sic], exaggerated by movies -- Students defy skeptics who expect pep relapse -- Kansas isn't provincial say progressive citizens -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- In wrong class for three weeks -- Grad gossip -- Campus organizations name new officers for coming semester -- Commons inaugurates new idea -- HY misses will reveal identity of 'Mr. Wichita U.' at carnival ball -- Home economics has open house -- Sepmeier is new German Club head -- Announce wedding of Geile, Moulton -- Phi Sig mothers will have benefit bridge -- Alumnus of University tells marriage plans -- Alpha Gamma mothers complemented Monday -- Blue Keys to be decoration used at dance Jan. 21 -- Frosh party date will be March 12 -- Pi Kaps wll have book review tea -- Roundabout -- Big Apple in latest dance craze sweeps nation's collegiate circles -- Matrix will give tea for rushees at Sorrosis House -- D.O. will feature Davis at benefit -- Former Alpha Tau weds in Oklahoma -- W.U. plays Fort Hays tomorrow -- Hinton extends time for ending ping pong round -- Boxers to start work in earnest -- Intramural cage games to start after semester -- Omega Upsilon makes pairings, contest ruling -- Late rally puts game away for Benedict Ravens -- Volleyball ends in tie for first -- College girl plays lead in new comedy -- Between the halves / Merrell Kirkpatrick -- New program is offered to men -- Profs supreme; in volleyball -- Swimming party will be Jan. 25
Photograph(s): Jim M. Armour, new head of paper staff. p. 1 -- Don Farquharson, he'll take our money (tuition). p. 1 -- Culbertson -- Dr. Hugo Wall, a liberal Democrat -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Peggy Coates is chairman of Delta Omega's benefit book review to be held at the David Jackman home, Tuesday January 18. p. 3 -- Jane Illgner, Pi Kappa Psi, and Kent Waddell, Alpha Gamma Gamma, soon will take over their offices as president of the Women's and Men's Panhellenic Councils for the coming semester. Miss Illgner is also on the co-chairman of the HYM Carnival Ball, which is calendared for Feb. 11. p. 3 -- Guard Cope: Pictured above is James Cope, sophomore guard, on his way up to score two more points for the Shocker team, Cope played on the frosh squad last year and is a former East High player. p. 4
Week-end weather: (Official U.S. Weather Bureau) Temperatures slightly below normal with moderate northerly winds.
Everyone plan to attend the Fort Hays State College-W.U. basketball games here Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. sharp.
Article(s): J. Armour now heads Sunflower -- Army bandsmen assigned chairs for '38 season -- Graham to lecture before local D.A.R. -- Honorary frat will announce choices Jan. 21 -- State newsmen meeting here -- Cribbing makes added precautions necessary -- Publishers take text on hygiene -- Lower textbook price in offing for university -- Credit isn't so hot, so students buy with cash -- Plans are near completion for Wellington lab -- Cooper speaker before oil men -- Hekhis writes for cooperation -- Noted authority speaks on near east difficulty -- Old Mexico is speech subject -- Pote will address scouters at Allis -- Circulation for library books wider -- University has books selected as fit to FDR -- Wall says that business slump may 'recover' soon / Edmond Jacoby -- Candlesticks are placed in lounge -- 'Ten Nights in a Barroom' to be presented next -- Dean Hillbrand to talk for teachers -- Music group elected to high order -- Propaganda is under study of Princeton prof -- Sale of Tom-Tom is above expectations -- Cribbers force officials to adopt strict rules -- Drug peril, marihuana [sic], exaggerated by movies -- Students defy skeptics who expect pep relapse -- Kansas isn't provincial say progressive citizens -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- In wrong class for three weeks -- Grad gossip -- Campus organizations name new officers for coming semester -- Commons inaugurates new idea -- HY misses will reveal identity of 'Mr. Wichita U.' at carnival ball -- Home economics has open house -- Sepmeier is new German Club head -- Announce wedding of Geile, Moulton -- Phi Sig mothers will have benefit bridge -- Alumnus of University tells marriage plans -- Alpha Gamma mothers complemented Monday -- Blue Keys to be decoration used at dance Jan. 21 -- Frosh party date will be March 12 -- Pi Kaps wll have book review tea -- Roundabout -- Big Apple in latest dance craze sweeps nation's collegiate circles -- Matrix will give tea for rushees at Sorrosis House -- D.O. will feature Davis at benefit -- Former Alpha Tau weds in Oklahoma -- W.U. plays Fort Hays tomorrow -- Hinton extends time for ending ping pong round -- Boxers to start work in earnest -- Intramural cage games to start after semester -- Omega Upsilon makes pairings, contest ruling -- Late rally puts game away for Benedict Ravens -- Volleyball ends in tie for first -- College girl plays lead in new comedy -- Between the halves / Merrell Kirkpatrick -- New program is offered to men -- Profs supreme; in volleyball -- Swimming party will be Jan. 25
Photograph(s): Jim M. Armour, new head of paper staff. p. 1 -- Don Farquharson, he'll take our money (tuition). p. 1 -- Culbertson -- Dr. Hugo Wall, a liberal Democrat -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Peggy Coates is chairman of Delta Omega's benefit book review to be held at the David Jackman home, Tuesday January 18. p. 3 -- Jane Illgner, Pi Kappa Psi, and Kent Waddell, Alpha Gamma Gamma, soon will take over their offices as president of the Women's and Men's Panhellenic Councils for the coming semester. Miss Illgner is also on the co-chairman of the HYM Carnival Ball, which is calendared for Feb. 11. p. 3 -- Guard Cope: Pictured above is James Cope, sophomore guard, on his way up to score two more points for the Shocker team, Cope played on the frosh squad last year and is a former East High player. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.43 no.17
v.43 no.17