2011-02-14 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of February 14, 2011. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2010-2011, v.24
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report): KBOR, new admission standards -- KBOR: Discussion draft from the Transfer and Articulation task force -- Faculty Survey of Student Engagement -- (Committee reports): Rules Committee / Steven Skinner -- (State budget update) / Provost Gary L. Miller -- (New business): 1. Proposal to approve a B.S. in Engineering Technology (1st reading) / Denise Celestin and Larry Whitman
Attachments: Qualified Admissions Task Force Admissions Standards / KBOR -- Discussion draft: Core Outcomes Initiative Model Transfer and Articulation Process / KBOR Task Force -- New Program Proposal: B.S. in Engineering Technology
Minutes: (Informal statements and proposals): A. Question concerning whether students might be allowed to park in the Morrison Hall lot after 5:30 pm and on weekends / Senator DeSilva -- B. Announced the death of Mira Merriman / President Hemans -- C. LAS College Counsel wanted clarification of the role of ombudsperson within the grievance process / Senator Hershfield -- (President's report): A. President's Distinguished Service Award nominations needed -- B. Alerted the Senate to recent changes in admissions standards by KBOR -- C. State community colleges have requested that the KBOR Transfer and Articulation Committee require state-wide uniformity in general education requirements, outcomes, and course numbering -- D. KBOR has received a request for a list of all programs in all state universities with low enrollment figures -- E. Committee activities: Planning and Budget Committee is to hear a presentation on the Graduation Partnership by Keith Pickus and Bill Vanderburgh -- Academic Affairs Committee has approved the proposed WSU 101 course -- F. Revised guidelines for Program Review were available on the Academic Affairs and Research website -- G. Faculty Survey of Student Engagement was to commence in late March -- H. Alerted the Senate that changes in the HLC assessment process would be forthcoming -- I. Ad Hoc General Education Committee was continuing to make progress and would soon be ready to bring a recommendation before the Senate -- (Committee reports): Rules Committee: Nominations / Senator Skinner -- (State budget update): Governor Brownback's budget retained 2006-level funding for higher education, and placed an emphasis on higher education's role in economic development / Provost Miller -- (New business): Statement on the B.S. in Engineering Technology degree proposal / Denise Celestin and Larry Whitman
Wichita State University
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
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