The Sunflower, v.44, no.31 (April 27, 1939)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Ahlberg, Clark D., 1918-2007 , Student employment , Hammond, Geraldine E. (Geraldine Elizabeth), 1909- , Women's Pep Organization , Wheaties
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.44, no.31, Wichita, Kansas, April 27, 1939. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Two convos are planned by Harbison -- Scholarship ratings are announced -- Council election will be May 12 -- Sunflower is awarded high rating -- Coronation of Queen Reser will begin festivities for May Day here next Monday -- Student health group to make syphilis tests -- Hammond wins year fellowship at Colorado U. -- Speech science, art department expect changes -- University clubs pick candidates for straw vote -- Dance program to be presented Saturday night -- Preliminaries of '39 WIBM speech contest are set -- Senior is given scholarship to eastern school - Harbison plans presentation of cruiser's silver -- Employment aid is assured for next semester -- This campus is first choice of 200 graduates -- Summer school classes include varied subjects -- Kansas weeklies to be judged by Wichita men -- Fifty co-eds join to forum group -- 'Y' groups give annual carnival -- Announce plans for symposium -- Political group directs contest -- Political clubs hold joint meet -- Voters' league elects M'Carty -- Tickets on sale for membership -- Reed to speak for photography class -- R.O.T.C. officer will inspect W.U. setup -- Left-handed experiments / Cope -- Funny man is unhappy / Intercollegiate -- Marriage interests students / Intercollegiate -- Good food halts baldness -- Rushing rule revised -- Gaelohma long dead -- Lopez orchestra will play for dance honoring city 'Bus Queen' -- Scabbard, Blade will have dance tomorrow night -- Quaint, curious May Day traditions were observed during early days -- Dramatic group will preside at Founders' Dinner -- Play cast to be honored guests at picnic today -- University club plans guest tea this afternoon -- Y.W.C.A. to hold last meeting of year Wednesday -- Women's council holds dinner at Innes Tea Room -- Davis is speaker at meeting today -- Sorority presides at tea at house -- Evans is head of University players -- Spaeth to address authors at meet -- Kappa Delta Pi has initiation rites -- Alpha Gamma Gamma plans dinner-dance at Lassen Hotel -- W'Shockers journey to Drake meet -- Pre-season cage practice starts -- Golf and Tennis trip ends with victories divided -- Wichita fails in try for points at track event -- Track record of diamond is good -- Washburn plays Shockers today -- Wichitans look good but lose to state team -- Tennis winners are announced -- Annual archery tourney closes -- Game gal -- Doctor substitutes fluid for blood in transfusion
Photograph(s): Prof. C. C. Harbison, speech department head, will give the presentation speech to Captain Thomson, U.S.S. Wichita when the 66-piece silver service is presented for the cruiser U.S.S. this week-end at Houston, Texas. p. 1 -- Queen [Mary Elsie] Reser and Chancellor [Clark] Ahlberg. p. 1 -- Branson has California job: Margaret Branson, '38, is now employed by the Citalator Factory which manufactures automobile equipment in Los Angeles, Calif. p. 2 -- Her Majesty, the May Queen! May Queen Mary Elsie Reser is pictured with her attendants from left to right: Jeanne Carr, May Blossom Evans, June Illgner, Mary Evelyn Brincefield, Margaret Alexander, Miss Reser, Ruth Keene, Nellie Girven, Janet Tudhope, Ruth Williams, and Kathryn Lansdowne, who will be the Queen's maid of honor at the annual May Fete scheduled next Monday evening. p. 3 -- [Stan] Diamond. p. 4
Article(s): Two convos are planned by Harbison -- Scholarship ratings are announced -- Council election will be May 12 -- Sunflower is awarded high rating -- Coronation of Queen Reser will begin festivities for May Day here next Monday -- Student health group to make syphilis tests -- Hammond wins year fellowship at Colorado U. -- Speech science, art department expect changes -- University clubs pick candidates for straw vote -- Dance program to be presented Saturday night -- Preliminaries of '39 WIBM speech contest are set -- Senior is given scholarship to eastern school - Harbison plans presentation of cruiser's silver -- Employment aid is assured for next semester -- This campus is first choice of 200 graduates -- Summer school classes include varied subjects -- Kansas weeklies to be judged by Wichita men -- Fifty co-eds join to forum group -- 'Y' groups give annual carnival -- Announce plans for symposium -- Political group directs contest -- Political clubs hold joint meet -- Voters' league elects M'Carty -- Tickets on sale for membership -- Reed to speak for photography class -- R.O.T.C. officer will inspect W.U. setup -- Left-handed experiments / Cope -- Funny man is unhappy / Intercollegiate -- Marriage interests students / Intercollegiate -- Good food halts baldness -- Rushing rule revised -- Gaelohma long dead -- Lopez orchestra will play for dance honoring city 'Bus Queen' -- Scabbard, Blade will have dance tomorrow night -- Quaint, curious May Day traditions were observed during early days -- Dramatic group will preside at Founders' Dinner -- Play cast to be honored guests at picnic today -- University club plans guest tea this afternoon -- Y.W.C.A. to hold last meeting of year Wednesday -- Women's council holds dinner at Innes Tea Room -- Davis is speaker at meeting today -- Sorority presides at tea at house -- Evans is head of University players -- Spaeth to address authors at meet -- Kappa Delta Pi has initiation rites -- Alpha Gamma Gamma plans dinner-dance at Lassen Hotel -- W'Shockers journey to Drake meet -- Pre-season cage practice starts -- Golf and Tennis trip ends with victories divided -- Wichita fails in try for points at track event -- Track record of diamond is good -- Washburn plays Shockers today -- Wichitans look good but lose to state team -- Tennis winners are announced -- Annual archery tourney closes -- Game gal -- Doctor substitutes fluid for blood in transfusion
Photograph(s): Prof. C. C. Harbison, speech department head, will give the presentation speech to Captain Thomson, U.S.S. Wichita when the 66-piece silver service is presented for the cruiser U.S.S. this week-end at Houston, Texas. p. 1 -- Queen [Mary Elsie] Reser and Chancellor [Clark] Ahlberg. p. 1 -- Branson has California job: Margaret Branson, '38, is now employed by the Citalator Factory which manufactures automobile equipment in Los Angeles, Calif. p. 2 -- Her Majesty, the May Queen! May Queen Mary Elsie Reser is pictured with her attendants from left to right: Jeanne Carr, May Blossom Evans, June Illgner, Mary Evelyn Brincefield, Margaret Alexander, Miss Reser, Ruth Keene, Nellie Girven, Janet Tudhope, Ruth Williams, and Kathryn Lansdowne, who will be the Queen's maid of honor at the annual May Fete scheduled next Monday evening. p. 3 -- [Stan] Diamond. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.44 no.31
v.44 no.31