The Sunflower, v.43, no.01 (September 9, 1937)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Rarick, Lawrence , Allman, Leo W. , Cooper, Byron , Nelson, Frank , Riggs, Robert M. , Thompkins, Floyd , Student health
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.43, no.1. Wichita, Kansas, September 9, 1937. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Week-end weather: Fair with moderate temperatures. Maximum temperature in the 80's. Minumum temperature 70 degrees.
The Sunflower and Parnassus are the only college publications in the state that are members of the Kansas State Editorial Association.
Article(s): Van Welden resigns as vice prexy -- International fair success despite trouble -- New profs are added to faculty -- A. Sullivan is head of freshmen -- Allotment for local N.Y.A. is slashed in half -- Annual pictures taken beginning on September 13 -- Frosh! Can you answer these questions? -- Four university men hurt when auto overturns -- School to offer healty service to student body -- Student forum selects Steele high executive -- Division expects big enrollment -- Recording outfit to aid students -- Sunflower hits peak with 3,700 paid circulation -- Weather report is added feature -- Ex-Shockers fleeing to other knowledge havens -- Jimmie Lee has C. of C. position -- Remember 1902! Shocker cry in Jayhawk battle -- Wilner tells of plans for plays -- Student directory is to be out soon -- Artists will pen, write for paper -- Outside influences may mean death to council -- As Kansas prospers, so does city and university -- A familiar welcome goes to an augmented group -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Grad gossip -- Journalism professor pens series for paper -- Many apply for speech science -- Council wll be free of "influences" -- First fall mixer held Friday eve -- Improvements made on campus -- Group surprises Ruth Garvey at station party -- Matrix to install officers Thurday -- Campus publications join editorial group -- Y.M.C.A. to entertain at tea for freshmen women on Sunday -- Y.M. to have stag for freshmen men -- Roundabout -- Grid men to battle Ags on Sept. 25 -- Board will fill vacant positions -- Aggies tough opponent in first grid skirmish -- Minisa tryouts to be announced -- Taggart and Honton prepared for work -- Marr takes over football position -- Rebuilt gym new is ultra-modern -- University alumni sell grid tickets -- Enlargement of intra-murals is work of Rarick -- Federation picks sport managers -- W. Brown opens grid ticket dale -- New rushing rules prove "new deal" to frat men -- Equipment best on rifle range
Photograph(s): Van Welden leaves as vice president: Ronald Van Welden, senior, who Tuesday resigned his office of vice president of the Student Council. Plans to elect his successor will be laid at the first meeting of the council. p. 1 -- Dr. Frank Nelson, assistant English prof.; Dr. Larwence Rarick, physical education; Robert M. Riggs, geology and mathematics; Floyd D. Thomkins, added to Fine Arts. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Dr. Bryan Cooper, instructor in geology. p. 3 -- Mixer directors: Buelah Barrett, left, representative of the Y.W.C.A., and Jack Chapman, right, Y.M.C.A. representative, will have charge of Friday night's first all-school no-date mixer in the Henrion Gymnasium. p. 5 -- Frosh coach: Harry Marr, a graduate from Notre Dame last spring, will be the Shocker freshmen football coach this season. He will have charge of track next spring. p. 6
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.43 no.1
PubMed ID