The Sunflower, v.41, no.18 (January 23, 1936)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Freshman College , Hekhuis, Lambertus
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.41, no.18, Wichita, Kansas, January 23, 1936. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Outstanding co-eds to be named Friday -- Wood named editor - Thomas goes to newly created post -- Shockers go into winning streak -- Debaters go to tourney -- Night school date is set -- Final event features pupils vs instructors -- Here is an easier way to spend money -- Brooks organizes educational meet -- Time and tide are subject to whims of college men -- Club plans for Kansas jubliee -- Sipple chairman of teachers' committee -- School project opens in week -- Report shows lending spurt -- McCarty completes 24 years of service -- Will release grades Feb. 3 and 4 -- Dean recognizes King as able monarch -- Fee deadline set at Jan. 27 -- Circle once target for stone throwers -- Thrills are numerous at local games -- Sprague improving, to be taken home -- Coach Hennigh's Cagers are furnishing plenty of thrills -- Start of new semester brings clean slate to every student -- It should be past time for arguing guilt of Hauptmann -- Short pants / Loy Wood -- Collegiate world -- Students rank high in tests -- Line forms at right to write -- Campus road relief stops -- Death of the King / James E. Andrews -- University society: Ideal co-eds to be chosen; R.O.A. to preside at Annual Military Ball; Faculty to have a formal dinner; R.O.T.C. band sponsors dance -- Japanese girl returns home -- List furnishes reading guide -- Reduced price is granted for show -- Wilner selects new play cast -- A.P. to publicize W.U. professors -- Photography course offered in evening -- Phi Delta Kappa to convene in Wichita -- New officer is sent here -- Palmer will speak before two groups -- Silly questions are switchboard boos -- Regular downtown division in recital -- Students appear in debate series -- Cagers bump Tigers twice -- Three teams in league spotlight -- Five teams in tie for lead -- Builders next foes are Cagers -- Men's sport shorts / Stud Watson -- Sharp shooters win rifle match -- Joan Snyder wins ping pong tourney -- Women's sport glances / Kathryn Ann Emery -- Track team opens against Pittsburgh -- Peach baskets for goals; hence - basketball
Photograph(s): Basketball squad boosts string of victories to five: These thirteen men are providing Shocker fans with thrills galore with last-minute dashes to victory. They include: (standing, left to right) Earl Vore, Jimmy Wilson, Calvin Stewart, Gerhardt Elkermann, Grant Barner, Dick King, John Riddel; (kneeling, left to right) Tromer Smith, Tom Kornhaus, Ray Kaufman, Pike Gawthrop, Glenn Nye, and Wayne Johnson. p. 1 -- Loy Wood. p. 2-- Do you know the Rathbone purl?: These four University co-eds seem to be taking the thought of final examinations rather lightly. Knitting, a popular pastime which recently swept the country, [illegible] Shockers among the toll. They are, left to right, Miss Geraldine Lansdowne, Miss Iona Hah, Miss Mildred [illegible], and Miss Joyce [illegible]. p. 3
Article(s): Outstanding co-eds to be named Friday -- Wood named editor - Thomas goes to newly created post -- Shockers go into winning streak -- Debaters go to tourney -- Night school date is set -- Final event features pupils vs instructors -- Here is an easier way to spend money -- Brooks organizes educational meet -- Time and tide are subject to whims of college men -- Club plans for Kansas jubliee -- Sipple chairman of teachers' committee -- School project opens in week -- Report shows lending spurt -- McCarty completes 24 years of service -- Will release grades Feb. 3 and 4 -- Dean recognizes King as able monarch -- Fee deadline set at Jan. 27 -- Circle once target for stone throwers -- Thrills are numerous at local games -- Sprague improving, to be taken home -- Coach Hennigh's Cagers are furnishing plenty of thrills -- Start of new semester brings clean slate to every student -- It should be past time for arguing guilt of Hauptmann -- Short pants / Loy Wood -- Collegiate world -- Students rank high in tests -- Line forms at right to write -- Campus road relief stops -- Death of the King / James E. Andrews -- University society: Ideal co-eds to be chosen; R.O.A. to preside at Annual Military Ball; Faculty to have a formal dinner; R.O.T.C. band sponsors dance -- Japanese girl returns home -- List furnishes reading guide -- Reduced price is granted for show -- Wilner selects new play cast -- A.P. to publicize W.U. professors -- Photography course offered in evening -- Phi Delta Kappa to convene in Wichita -- New officer is sent here -- Palmer will speak before two groups -- Silly questions are switchboard boos -- Regular downtown division in recital -- Students appear in debate series -- Cagers bump Tigers twice -- Three teams in league spotlight -- Five teams in tie for lead -- Builders next foes are Cagers -- Men's sport shorts / Stud Watson -- Sharp shooters win rifle match -- Joan Snyder wins ping pong tourney -- Women's sport glances / Kathryn Ann Emery -- Track team opens against Pittsburgh -- Peach baskets for goals; hence - basketball
Photograph(s): Basketball squad boosts string of victories to five: These thirteen men are providing Shocker fans with thrills galore with last-minute dashes to victory. They include: (standing, left to right) Earl Vore, Jimmy Wilson, Calvin Stewart, Gerhardt Elkermann, Grant Barner, Dick King, John Riddel; (kneeling, left to right) Tromer Smith, Tom Kornhaus, Ray Kaufman, Pike Gawthrop, Glenn Nye, and Wayne Johnson. p. 1 -- Loy Wood. p. 2-- Do you know the Rathbone purl?: These four University co-eds seem to be taking the thought of final examinations rather lightly. Knitting, a popular pastime which recently swept the country, [illegible] Shockers among the toll. They are, left to right, Miss Geraldine Lansdowne, Miss Iona Hah, Miss Mildred [illegible], and Miss Joyce [illegible]. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.41 no.18
v.41 no.18