The Sunflower, v.55, no.09 (November 17, 1949)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Homecoming , Lulubelle
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.55, no.9, Wichita, Kansas, November 17, 1949 - 10 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Student caravan to Oklahoma will leave Saturday, 7:30 a.m. -- WSSF plans talent auction -- Vacation to begin Thursday, November 24 -- Regional bloodmobile will appear on campus; three students speak on radio broadcasts -- 'Lid's Off' benefit opening to be in Auditorium Friday: show to be 'funniest yet' -- Student card playing is allowed in Alibi -- Convo offers two speakers -- Cover contest won by Elsea -- Club corner: WRA will sponsor game playnight for all women students -- Pep program aided by sweatshirt sale in Commons Lounge -- New classes planned for night students -- Journalism frat elects officers -- Winners selected for Homecoming -- Coronation of Honorary Colonel will highlight Military Ball, scheduled December 2 at Blue Moon -- Galloup, Wilkinson are to be married in mid-winter season -- Dennis invites music group -- Motor Citians to be open house guests -- Round about the campus / Gerry Hunter -- Faculty will enter volleyball tourney -- Scientists to hear geological president -- Art problems shown in Morrison Gallery -- 70 didn't stop: An editorial -- Mr. Armstrong and his 50 million -- Marsh, Hangen attend meet -- Letter signed by 14 urges more support for Student Council -- Corbin will speak before workshop -- Lulubelle lies in Commons sod heartbroken, refused the nod -- Council treasurer lists expenditures -- KMUW presents grid broadcasts -- New low-cost travel program open to interested students / Bobbie Booth -- Debaters visit Norman, Oklahoma -- UN delegate lectures here -- Journalism group is reorganized -- 'Your textile dollar' is discussion topic -- Dr. Gerling to talk at religious coffees -- School of Music will present Janet Guess in faculty recital -- Campus Dance Club to present Gertrude Lippincott in concert -- Fine arts student is former Broadway light opera singer -- U of W invited to compete in intercollegiate bridge contest -- Psychology group seeks skunk as mate for 'No Smell' Tillie / Joe Ludiker -- Kappa Pi will sell original calendars -- Ross to sing at music meet -- Library to hold staff open house -- VA explains handling methods on insurance dividend payment -- Six new magazines added to Library -- Dr. Marsh will fill roundtable position -- Council's delegates to attend meeting -- Piano recital to be given -- Chairmen appointed by Accounting Club -- Calculator purchased by math department -- Fraternity heads will choose Jr. College 'Wheatbowl' Queen -- Speedball finals open play today -- Rifle range available for team practice -- Exchange student wins tennis crown -- Frosh Eleven faces soldiers -- Intramural volleyball tournament planned -- Field goal defeats Hurricane freshmen -- Qualifying runners will race tomorrow -- Pi Alpha Pi to hold intra-fraternity tilt -- 7-6 victory breaks football drought -- Shockers seek Missouri Valley wins: team leaves campus Friday; Detroit here for final tilt -- Campus track men will run Saturday -- Hold the line! Locals can tie for Missouri Valley grid title / Jack Campbell -- Friends, Notre Dame remain undefeated -- Films of Oklahoma game to be shown -- 'Beer Keg Battle' slated for November 23 by Websters, Gammas -- 'Wing' beats 'T' in frosh tilt -- Conversion spells defeat for Shockers in Homecoming game
Photograph(s): Waiting for the bus to Aggieville...: "Let's go south," is the intention of (right to left) Dorothy Green, Jack Beaver, Therese Aaron, Mary Cleary, Mary Villepigue, Carol Landis, Ralph Peake, and Bob Chisholm. They're bound for Stillwater, the scene of the Oklahoma A and M-University of Wichita grid tussle Saturday. p. 1 -- President OK's blood drive...: Pres. Harry F. Corbin gives the official sanction to the Red Cross blood donor drive which will begin on campus Monday in Science Hall. Dr. N. H. Pronko, faculty committeeman; Bill Smith, student committeeman; and Barbara Campbell, Red Cross public relations director for Sedgwick County, witness the signing. p. 1 -- Legs on lid, for 'Lid's Off': Harold Schooler offers his accompaniment to (left to right) Ann Dunham, Betty Colliatie, Joanie Brock, Carlene Sturges, and Jerry Nelson during rehearsal for the laugh show. p. 1 -- Winners in Homecoming house decoration contest...: Alpha Gamma (upper left), Men of Webster (middle left), Phi Upsilon Sigma (middle right), Pi Kappa Psi (lower left), Sorosis (upper right). p. 2 -- Lulubelle is dead...: Lulubelle, the only mule to ever run for Homecoming Queen, lies beneath Shocker sod, dead of a broken heart. Harold Kemper is shown mourning. p. 4
Article(s): Student caravan to Oklahoma will leave Saturday, 7:30 a.m. -- WSSF plans talent auction -- Vacation to begin Thursday, November 24 -- Regional bloodmobile will appear on campus; three students speak on radio broadcasts -- 'Lid's Off' benefit opening to be in Auditorium Friday: show to be 'funniest yet' -- Student card playing is allowed in Alibi -- Convo offers two speakers -- Cover contest won by Elsea -- Club corner: WRA will sponsor game playnight for all women students -- Pep program aided by sweatshirt sale in Commons Lounge -- New classes planned for night students -- Journalism frat elects officers -- Winners selected for Homecoming -- Coronation of Honorary Colonel will highlight Military Ball, scheduled December 2 at Blue Moon -- Galloup, Wilkinson are to be married in mid-winter season -- Dennis invites music group -- Motor Citians to be open house guests -- Round about the campus / Gerry Hunter -- Faculty will enter volleyball tourney -- Scientists to hear geological president -- Art problems shown in Morrison Gallery -- 70 didn't stop: An editorial -- Mr. Armstrong and his 50 million -- Marsh, Hangen attend meet -- Letter signed by 14 urges more support for Student Council -- Corbin will speak before workshop -- Lulubelle lies in Commons sod heartbroken, refused the nod -- Council treasurer lists expenditures -- KMUW presents grid broadcasts -- New low-cost travel program open to interested students / Bobbie Booth -- Debaters visit Norman, Oklahoma -- UN delegate lectures here -- Journalism group is reorganized -- 'Your textile dollar' is discussion topic -- Dr. Gerling to talk at religious coffees -- School of Music will present Janet Guess in faculty recital -- Campus Dance Club to present Gertrude Lippincott in concert -- Fine arts student is former Broadway light opera singer -- U of W invited to compete in intercollegiate bridge contest -- Psychology group seeks skunk as mate for 'No Smell' Tillie / Joe Ludiker -- Kappa Pi will sell original calendars -- Ross to sing at music meet -- Library to hold staff open house -- VA explains handling methods on insurance dividend payment -- Six new magazines added to Library -- Dr. Marsh will fill roundtable position -- Council's delegates to attend meeting -- Piano recital to be given -- Chairmen appointed by Accounting Club -- Calculator purchased by math department -- Fraternity heads will choose Jr. College 'Wheatbowl' Queen -- Speedball finals open play today -- Rifle range available for team practice -- Exchange student wins tennis crown -- Frosh Eleven faces soldiers -- Intramural volleyball tournament planned -- Field goal defeats Hurricane freshmen -- Qualifying runners will race tomorrow -- Pi Alpha Pi to hold intra-fraternity tilt -- 7-6 victory breaks football drought -- Shockers seek Missouri Valley wins: team leaves campus Friday; Detroit here for final tilt -- Campus track men will run Saturday -- Hold the line! Locals can tie for Missouri Valley grid title / Jack Campbell -- Friends, Notre Dame remain undefeated -- Films of Oklahoma game to be shown -- 'Beer Keg Battle' slated for November 23 by Websters, Gammas -- 'Wing' beats 'T' in frosh tilt -- Conversion spells defeat for Shockers in Homecoming game
Photograph(s): Waiting for the bus to Aggieville...: "Let's go south," is the intention of (right to left) Dorothy Green, Jack Beaver, Therese Aaron, Mary Cleary, Mary Villepigue, Carol Landis, Ralph Peake, and Bob Chisholm. They're bound for Stillwater, the scene of the Oklahoma A and M-University of Wichita grid tussle Saturday. p. 1 -- President OK's blood drive...: Pres. Harry F. Corbin gives the official sanction to the Red Cross blood donor drive which will begin on campus Monday in Science Hall. Dr. N. H. Pronko, faculty committeeman; Bill Smith, student committeeman; and Barbara Campbell, Red Cross public relations director for Sedgwick County, witness the signing. p. 1 -- Legs on lid, for 'Lid's Off': Harold Schooler offers his accompaniment to (left to right) Ann Dunham, Betty Colliatie, Joanie Brock, Carlene Sturges, and Jerry Nelson during rehearsal for the laugh show. p. 1 -- Winners in Homecoming house decoration contest...: Alpha Gamma (upper left), Men of Webster (middle left), Phi Upsilon Sigma (middle right), Pi Kappa Psi (lower left), Sorosis (upper right). p. 2 -- Lulubelle is dead...: Lulubelle, the only mule to ever run for Homecoming Queen, lies beneath Shocker sod, dead of a broken heart. Harold Kemper is shown mourning. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.55 no.9
v.55 no.9