The Sunflower, v.44, no.11 (November 24, 1938)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.44, no.11, Wichita, Kansas, November 24, 1938. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Parnassus announces selections -- Nov. 26 is set as deadline for senior pictures -- Whan to speak at debate meet -- Harness 'closer' to library than most Shockers -- Vacation to run until Monday A.M. -- Honor societies organize to help member groups -- Thanksgiving Day means means more than turkey feast -- Ten geologists take field trip to Flint Hills -- Stanton named for demo post -- Shocker Huskies prefer teaching, survey reveals -- Local students to attend meet -- Only time will bring interest in housing -- Amateurism for college ball is dream of prexy -- Army head tells new promotions -- Hekhuis speaks on persecution of German Jews -- New library will profit by experience of others -- Martini fined in 'kangaroo' court -- Complete cast is selected for 'Winter's Tale' -- Board appoints staff positions for Sunflower -- German students plan gathering -- Forum ends ticket sale next week -- Class schedule will come out before vacation -- Students must heed deadlines -- Only time will bring interest in housing -- We are going to war - But do we know why? -- Trade agreement: Honest effort to stimulate trade -- Latest political move is point of speculation -- On the hill / Marge Gray-- Collegiate world -- Grad gossip -- Former student send Fletcher 'nylon' samples -- Army riflemen show much skill -- Annual semi-formal Thanksgiving varsity to be held in gymnasium -- Lacy honored at Alpha Phi dinner -- M'Ewen honored at many showers -- German students plan get-together -- Roundabout -- Scholastic group plans dinner meet -- Websters to give turkey luncheon -- Annual Military Ball will be held in Forum, Dec. 2 -- University coeds adopt high 'hair-do' as hairdressers declare style here -- Painting by W.U. student shown -- Former Wichita students reveal plans to marry -- Dietz speaks before group of chemists -- Omega Upsilon pledges Nyberg, Hurst -- Kappa Delt sends delegates to meet -- Carr named head of women voters -- Annual Pi Alph stag to be held at frat house -- Shockers in last game, will meet DePaul tomorrow -- Records reveal frats record is even for game -- Barrett retains badminton title -- Students go to school to study -- Swim schedule announced for coming season -- Alpha Gams win football -- Women riflists get instruction -- Irish again predominate Detroit football roster -- W'Shockers get fourth period sin -- First practice for volleyball is next Monday -- From the sidelines / Bob Campbell -- Tulsa yearlings win from frosh in last contest
PPhotograph(s): Snapshots for yearbook contest cover campus life: Examplifing the quality of the pictures submitted for the first 1939 Parnassus snapshot contest, these few are typical of what the judges consider good shots. Pi Kappa Psi candidate Blanche McGlade submitted the two at top left. The stadium photo at the bottom left is an Alpha Tau Sigma picture in behalf of Margaret Alexander. The three candid shots were made by Kenneth Marts, Alpha Gamma Gamma, which with other similar interesting prints almost brought him victory over Westerman Hample Fairleigh. One of Webster photos is shown right center. Above is a third Pi Kappa Psi photo and below it is another Alpha Tau Sigma picture. Several hundred snapshots were turned in by candidates. p. 1 -- Marge Gray. p. 2 -- [Elder] Gunter. p. 2 -- [Kenny] Mart. p. 3 -- Margaret Alexander is planning the floor show which will be presented during intermission at the Pumpkin Prom in Henrion Gymnasium on Thanksgiving night. p. 3 -- Coach Ben Connor. p. 4 -- [Bob] Campbell. p. 4 -- Play last game tomorrow: (pictured) Smith, Niehage, Ax, Brill, Nash, Schlotthauer, Wells, Weurtele. p. 4
Article(s): Parnassus announces selections -- Nov. 26 is set as deadline for senior pictures -- Whan to speak at debate meet -- Harness 'closer' to library than most Shockers -- Vacation to run until Monday A.M. -- Honor societies organize to help member groups -- Thanksgiving Day means means more than turkey feast -- Ten geologists take field trip to Flint Hills -- Stanton named for demo post -- Shocker Huskies prefer teaching, survey reveals -- Local students to attend meet -- Only time will bring interest in housing -- Amateurism for college ball is dream of prexy -- Army head tells new promotions -- Hekhuis speaks on persecution of German Jews -- New library will profit by experience of others -- Martini fined in 'kangaroo' court -- Complete cast is selected for 'Winter's Tale' -- Board appoints staff positions for Sunflower -- German students plan gathering -- Forum ends ticket sale next week -- Class schedule will come out before vacation -- Students must heed deadlines -- Only time will bring interest in housing -- We are going to war - But do we know why? -- Trade agreement: Honest effort to stimulate trade -- Latest political move is point of speculation -- On the hill / Marge Gray-- Collegiate world -- Grad gossip -- Former student send Fletcher 'nylon' samples -- Army riflemen show much skill -- Annual semi-formal Thanksgiving varsity to be held in gymnasium -- Lacy honored at Alpha Phi dinner -- M'Ewen honored at many showers -- German students plan get-together -- Roundabout -- Scholastic group plans dinner meet -- Websters to give turkey luncheon -- Annual Military Ball will be held in Forum, Dec. 2 -- University coeds adopt high 'hair-do' as hairdressers declare style here -- Painting by W.U. student shown -- Former Wichita students reveal plans to marry -- Dietz speaks before group of chemists -- Omega Upsilon pledges Nyberg, Hurst -- Kappa Delt sends delegates to meet -- Carr named head of women voters -- Annual Pi Alph stag to be held at frat house -- Shockers in last game, will meet DePaul tomorrow -- Records reveal frats record is even for game -- Barrett retains badminton title -- Students go to school to study -- Swim schedule announced for coming season -- Alpha Gams win football -- Women riflists get instruction -- Irish again predominate Detroit football roster -- W'Shockers get fourth period sin -- First practice for volleyball is next Monday -- From the sidelines / Bob Campbell -- Tulsa yearlings win from frosh in last contest
PPhotograph(s): Snapshots for yearbook contest cover campus life: Examplifing the quality of the pictures submitted for the first 1939 Parnassus snapshot contest, these few are typical of what the judges consider good shots. Pi Kappa Psi candidate Blanche McGlade submitted the two at top left. The stadium photo at the bottom left is an Alpha Tau Sigma picture in behalf of Margaret Alexander. The three candid shots were made by Kenneth Marts, Alpha Gamma Gamma, which with other similar interesting prints almost brought him victory over Westerman Hample Fairleigh. One of Webster photos is shown right center. Above is a third Pi Kappa Psi photo and below it is another Alpha Tau Sigma picture. Several hundred snapshots were turned in by candidates. p. 1 -- Marge Gray. p. 2 -- [Elder] Gunter. p. 2 -- [Kenny] Mart. p. 3 -- Margaret Alexander is planning the floor show which will be presented during intermission at the Pumpkin Prom in Henrion Gymnasium on Thanksgiving night. p. 3 -- Coach Ben Connor. p. 4 -- [Bob] Campbell. p. 4 -- Play last game tomorrow: (pictured) Smith, Niehage, Ax, Brill, Nash, Schlotthauer, Wells, Weurtele. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.44 no.11
v.44 no.11